NBC Nightly News Covers Cut to Parent Coverage in Arizona

By Joe Touschner

As any parent who has faced the challenge of being sick and trying to fulfill their parenting duties will tell you – the well-being of children is highly dependent on the well-being of their parents.   That’s why it is so important that federal health reform include affordable health care options that will meet the needs of the entire family.  Currently, there are very few affordable health coverage options for parents or childless adults who aren’t offered coverage by their employers.  Until recently, Arizona helped to fill this gap for thousands of working families by offering uninsured parents of Medicaid or CHIP-eligible children access to affordable coverage.  That all changed this month when the state eliminated coverage for about 10,000 parents.Thanks to the great work by Dana Naimark and the Children’s Action Alliance, this change did not go unnoticed.  NBC Nightly News ran a story featuring the Getz family from Arizona and Amy Kobeta of the Children’s Action Alliance.  Thanks to CAA, CCF’s Jocelyn Guyer was given the opportunity to put the cuts into perspective on a national level.

