Early Wins for Children and Families in Health Reform Highlighted

Today, CCF released a new issue brief that takes a look at some of the most immediate changes in health reform for children and families. While many of the sweeping changes to the insurance industry and other major provisions do not go into effect until 2014, children have some much earlier “wins” to look forward to. 

High on the list of early benefits from the legislation is the strengthened opportunity families now have to enroll their uninsured children in Medicaid and CHIP. Out in the “real world”, where people don’t have time to read legislation, many families are seeking information on what the law means to them today. This creates an opportunity to raise awareness among eligible families that their children can obtain coverage through Medicaid and CHIP. Let’s not forget the experience in 1997 when CHIP was created – with the excitement of the new law many new families came forward to enroll in coverage, only to find out that they were already eligible for Medicaid. 

In addition, health reform includes two provisions to assist families in obtaining coverage. States are required to “hold steady” when it comes to Medicaid and CHIP coverage for children until October 1, 2019 so families can count on the coverage being there when they need it.  In addition, Health and Human Services must set up a new web portal by July 1, 2010 to provide information to families on state-level health insurance options. A boost in enrollment, or as we like to call it, the “welcome mat effect”, could be a potentially powerful tool for increasing the number of insured children in the nation, and setting the stage for health reform.

Other health insurance reforms discussed in the paper that quickly go in effect include:

  • By July 1, 2010, uninsured children and families with pre-existing conditions can seek coverage through newly established 50-state high-risk pools.
  • For health plan years beginning after September 23, 2010, everyone signing up for a new health plan will receive preventive services at no cost, insured children cannot be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition, and young adults up to age 26 can obtain coverage through a parent’s plan.
  • New health insurance reforms make it easier for people to use and keep thier insurance (various implementation dates).

While we have to wait until 2014 to see some of the more dramatic changes to how people receive health coverage in this country, these early reforms are “not anything to sneeze about” and, in fact, could have a real impact on the lives of children and their families.
