CHIP Extension Dangerously Delayed Past Expiration Date

New York Magazine

By: Ed Kilgore

The lack of urgency was rationalized by the fact that all states have a positive balance of CHIP money, and most could operate the program past the beginning of 2018.

But the delay in reauthorizing CHIP will have real consequences if it lasts much longer. As Talking Points Memo explained, “at least ten states are on track to run out of [CHIP] money by the end of the year.” Utah, home state of the chairman of the Senate committee that oversees CHIP, Orrin Hatch, is already making plans to shut the program down. Five other states —Arizona, Minnesota, Nevada, Texas, and West Virginia — will soon be forced by their own laws to begin winding down the program or freeze enrollment if the feds don’t act.

Linked to CCF’s CHIP primer.

Read more here.
