Children’s Health Programs in Florida Running Out of Time and Money


By: Frank Gluck

Florida received nearly 96 percent of the $686 million budgeted last year for CHIP from the federal government and has $359 million remaining, according to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration.

That’s likely enough to continue the program just into 2018, according to estimates from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission. AHCA officials predict the state has enough funds to run CHIP programs through January.

Joan Alker, executive director of Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families and co-author of its recent analysis on Florida’s CHIP, said she expects Congress to eventually reach a deal.

But, she said it may come too late for states that are expected exhaust their CHIP funds within months.

“I’m very worried that it’s not going to happen soon enough to prevent real-world consequences. We have states starting to run out of money,” Alker said, noting that many families won’t even be sure if the programs are continuing, which could depress enrollment. We have states that are likely going to have to start sending notices to families in November telling them their coverage is at risk.”

Read more here.
