Getting it Right: State Policymakers Identify 10 Steps to Successful Implementation of Federal Health Reform

The National Academy of State Health Policy (NASHP) is an independent academy of state health policymakers working together to identify emerging issues, develop policy solutions, and improve state health policy and practice. Recently, its executive committee identified ten aspects of health reform that states must get right in order to successfully implement federal health reform. Like the health reform law, the top ten list covers a broad range of objectives and responsibilities:

1) Be Strategic with Insurance Exchanges

2) Regulate the Commercial Health Insurance Market Effectively

3) Simplify and Integrate Eligibility Systems

4) Expand Provider and Health System Capacity

5) Attend to Benefit Design

6) Focus on the Dually Eligible

7) Use Your Data

8) Pursue Population Health Goals

9) Engage the Public in Policy Development and Implementation

10) Demand Quality and Efficiency from the Health Care System

With the dust settling on the passage of health reform, attention is shifting from the early provisions of the law such as coverage for young adults under their parent’s plan and consumer-friendly insurance reforms including eliminating pre-existing exclusions for children, lifetime caps and rescissions of policies. Many states have launched formal or informal groups to begin the planning and decision-making process. According to the National Governors Association (NGA), at least a quarter of the states have formally launched commissions, task forces or advisory groups. The lack of consumer representation on these state structures is a bit disappointing given that engaging the public has been flagged as one of the top ten critical areas.

Two of my favorites among the top ten are simplifying and integrating eligibility systems and using data to analyze and improve your programs. Those of us working on children’s coverage know how important these aspects of program administration are to the ultimate success of enrolling all eligible children and families. Both rely on well-designed, high-functioning technology based on simplified processes and streamlined procedures.

The NASHP brief puts it bluntly: “36 million Americans cannot be enrolled in Medicaid or the new exchanges by relying upon what, in most states, is a county-based eligibility platform designed around the cumbersome and intrusive processes of the welfare eligibility system.” Touche`!

Effective systems are expensive and time-consuming to build and implement. There is an important role here for the federal government to assist states in system procurement, to standardize data reporting requirements and to require that systems meet data reporting standards as a condition of federal funding. We cannot hope to meet our coverage goals without data to analyze how well our programs are working and identify where improvements are needed. Public reporting of data on enrollment, retention, access to care, health outcomes and much more will be the best way for Americans to know when states are truly getting it right!!

Tricia Brooks is a Research Professor at the Center for Children and Families (CCF), part of the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.
