Allexa Gardner

is a Research Fellow at the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy’s Center for Children and Families.

Allexa (Allie) Gardner is a Research Fellow at the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy’s Center for Children and Families (CCF). Her work focuses on Medicaid and CHIP eligibility, enrollment, and program administration as well as section 1115 Medicaid demonstration projects. She has been with CCF for six years. Allie graduated with a B.S. in Economics from the University of Alabama and received her MPP from Georgetown’s McCourt School.


  • Medicaid: Important for Military Families & Future Readiness

    In partnership with The physical health and well-being of current service members is vital in supporting military readiness. Likewise, the physical health and well-being of young Americans is vital to the future readiness of the Armed Forces. Ensuring affordable and comprehensive health care access for America’s military families and our next generation is an essential…

  • The Tennessee “Shared Savings” Waiver: Not a Medicaid Block Grant

    As our colleague Edwin Park has explained, there is keen interest on the part of some Congressional Republican leaders in capping federal Medicaid payments to states, ideally by converting Medicaid from a health insurance program into a block grant.  Currently, the federal government matches state spending for the costs of health and long-term care services…

  • New Report Explores Insights from Medicaid Unwinding on How to Protect Children’s Coverage

    The Urban Institute and Georgetown CCF have released a new report highlighting ways to improve the Medicaid/CHIP redetermination process for children emanating from key lessons learned during the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection. These insights are based on interviews of representatives in 8 state Medicaid agencies, offering a unique perspective directly from the…

  • Tennessee to Begin Providing Diapers for Children Under Age 2 in Medicaid

    Following CMS approval of its 1115 demonstration amendment earlier this year, Tennessee is set to begin covering diapers as a Medicaid benefit on August 7th. All children under age two enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP (known as TennCare and CoverKids, respectively) will be eligible to receive up to 100 diapers per month as a covered…