Imposing a Per Capita Cap on the Medicaid Expansion Would Lead to an Effective Cut in the Expansion Matching Rate for States
On March 5, according to Axios, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY) is now considering a proposal to impose a per capita cap on the Medicaid expansion as part of budget reconciliation. Chairman Guthrie, as well as other House Republican leaders, may believe that such a cap could be viewed as more…
Same Playbook: Major Medicaid Cuts under Consideration for Budget Reconciliation Similar to Medicaid Cuts in Failed ACA Repeal Bills from 2017
This week, the House is scheduled to vote on a budget resolution that would require the House Energy and Commerce Committee to make at least $880 billion over ten years in mandatory spending cuts as part of budget reconciliation legislation, most or all of which would come from Medicaid. The draconian Medicaid cuts under consideration…
House Budget Committee Circulates New Detailed List of Budget Reconciliation Options Including Draconian Medicaid Cuts Within House Republican Caucus
On Friday, January 17, Politico and other news outlets reported that the House Budget Committee distributed to the House Republican Caucus a new 50-page list of mandatory spending and tax proposals that may be included in budget reconciliation legislation. The new list includes not only the draconian Medicaid cuts of up to $2.3 trillion over…
Medicaid’s Role in Small Towns and Rural Areas
Key Findings Background One-fifth of people in the United States live in areas that are classified as non-urban. Residents of rural areas and small towns face additional challenges accessing needed health services compared to residents of metro areas for a variety of reasons including acute provider shortages, limited connectivity, and long distances to travel to…