Aligning Eligibility for Children: Moving the Stairstep Kids to Medicaid
A feature of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that has not received a lot of attention requires that Medicaid cover children with incomes up to 133 percent FPL as of January 2014. Today, there are “stairstep” eligibility rules for children. States must cover children under the age of six in families with income of at…
Florida’s Medicaid Choice: Understanding Implications of Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Health Care Act
Georgetown University Health Policy Institute researchers estimate that 800,000 to 1.3 million uninsured Floridians would gain health coverage with no net cost to the state if Florida chose to exercise the option to extend Medicaid coverage to residents with incomes at or below 133% FPL as provided under the Affordable Care Act. Moreover, the researchers estimate…
The Impact of Premiums on Families in BadgerCare Plus
As Wisconsin considers increasing premiums in its Medicaid program,BadgerCare Plus, CCF researchers examined the impact of premiums on families in Wisconsin’s Medicaid program. In this policy brief, they look at the effect on participation in the program if premiums were increased or added for families between 100 and 200% of the FPL in BadgerCare Plus…