Say Ahhh!

  • Texas Medicaid Waiver Trilogy: The Final Installment

    The drama over Texas’ Section 1115 Medicaid waiver has come to a somewhat surprising and precipitous close. On April 22nd, 2022 the Biden Administration decided to stop fighting the litigation brought by Texas Attorney General Paxon to reinstate the terms of the Trump Administration’s waiver approval issued on January 15, 2021 (i.e. just a few…

  • Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Supreme Court Drops Medicaid Work Requirements Case, But Still Does Damage

    If you blinked at just the wrong moment last week, you might have missed that the Supreme Court erased several years of critical Medicaid law with just one 113-word order. Poof! On Monday, April 18th, the Supreme Court issued an order in the cases on appeal reviewing the legality of approvals of work requirements by…

  • Medicaid Awareness Month: Stories Highlight How Medicaid Helps Floridians

    By Miriam Harmatz, Advocacy Director & Founder, Florida Health Justice Project More than 5 million Floridians rely on Medicaid, including over 2.5 million children. As part of Medicaid Awareness Month, Florida Health Justice Project is sharing the lived experiences of parents explaining why “Medicaid is a blessing” and why they “cannot live without Medicaid.” These…

  • Updated Breast Pump Coverage Guidelines Provide Important Protections for Families But More Guidance May Be Needed to Increase Access

    By Christine Monahan As a new mom to a seven-month old (hi Baxter!), I’ve been on a crash course in breastfeeding since he was born. I’ve quickly learned that breastfeeding isn’t easy and, despite the claims, it isn’t free. And I better understand why so few families meet the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendation to feed infants only breastmilk for their…

  • More Children Enrolled in ACA Marketplace Coverage in 2022, But Marketplaces Still Remain Modest Source of Health Coverage for Children

    Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) currently cover more than 40 million children.  In comparison, relatively few children rely on the marketplaces for their health coverage.  But new data released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) show 1.3 million children were enrolled in marketplace plans during the 2022 Marketplace Open…

  • Call Center Statistics: The Canary in the Coalmine When the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protection is Lifted

    As consumers, we all know how frustrating it can be to try to get help for some issue only to find that there is a lengthy wait just to talk to someone. Now consider how much more frustrating it would be if you work in a frontline position in service, retail, or hospitality industries and…

  • Lessons from the Pandemic: Children’s Coverage Improvements

    As readers of SayAhhh! know, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment is at an all-time high with close to 86 million people – covering half of the country’s children. Children and adults on Medicaid are protected by the continuous coverage provision including in the Families First Act (link to explainer) that prevents states from disenrolling anyone involuntarily.…

  • Once Again, Secretary Becerra Extends the PHE: What Does This Mean for the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protection?

    [Editor’s Note: Read the latest on the public health emergency Medicaid continuous coverage protection here.] It’s no surprise that HHS Secretary Becerra has renewed the COVID-related public health emergency (PHE) until July 15, 2022, since the Biden administration did not signal an end to the PHE 60 days in advance of the April 16, 2022…

  • New Florida Law Requires Stratified Performance Measure Data for Medicaid Managed Care

    By Anne Swerlick, Senior Policy Analyst, Florida Policy Institute Experts agree that to reduce health disparities, you first need to know where they exist. The collection of health plan performance measure data, such as timely prenatal care and well-child check-ups, broken down by demographic factors like race and ethnicity is essential for developing targeted health…

  • Medicaid Managed Care Compliance Tools: Another ‘Pay-For’

    Discussions have begun on the possibility of enacting a scaled-down version of the Build Back Better legislation. Any agreement that includes new federal spending will also require pay-fors (a/k/a offsets) either in the form of spending reductions or tax increases, or both.  In Medicaid, responsible pay-fors—i.e., policy changes that the Congressional Budget Office will score…

  • At Long Last, the Biden Administration Takes Step to Fix the Family Glitch

    Back in 2014, I wrote about the importance of fixing the family glitch in this Health Affairs policy brief, which I, along with other health policy wonks, thought could be fixed administratively through rule-making. At last, the Biden administration has announced steps to do so with a White House event featuring former President Obama, whose…

  • North Carolina: A Bipartisan Effort to Expand Medicaid Coverage and Improve Access to Healthcare

    Last month, my colleague Adam Searing wrote a blog post about the status of Medicaid expansion in five states (South Dakota, North Carolina, Wyoming, Missouri, and Mississippi) twelve years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act. This week, we’re taking a closer look at one of these states, North Carolina, which is on a…

  • One Year of Medicaid Postpartum Coverage Option Begins Today, More Approvals to Come

    Today marks the start of a significant policy change that will extend lifesaving health coverage to hundreds of thousands of pregnant and postpartum people each year: the American Rescue Plan’s option to extend postpartum coverage from 60 days to one year after the end of pregnancy. CMS announced today that Louisiana was the first state…

  • Research Update: Who Experiences Medical Debt?

    Nearly 1 in 10 adults held significant medical debt in 2019, according to a new analysis from The Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). Using data from the Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), researchers found that about 23 million people owed at least $250 in unpaid medical…

  • Medicaid Pregnancy Coverage Fills a Critical Health Insurance Gap During Pandemic, Data Shows

    Among all the Medicaid beneficiaries who’ve had their health coverage protected through the COVID-19 public health emergency, pregnant women stand out, new data released from CMS show.[note]Editor’s note: To maintain accuracy, CCF uses the term “women” when referencing statute, regulations, research, or other data sources that use the term “women” to define or count people…

  • CMS Issues New Guidance on Variable Best Price Reporting under the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program

    On March 23, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new technical guidance to drug manufacturers and states related to the highly effective Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP).  The guidance is related to a rule finalized late in the Trump Administration that, among other provisions, allowed manufacturers to report a range of…

  • Research Update: Children’s Anxiety and Depression on the Rise

    In a new article published last week in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers from the Health Resources and Services Administration find that anxiety and depression among children ages 3-17 have increased over the last five years. The researchers use data from the National Survey of Children’s Health to look at trends in children’s health, care utilization, and…

  • CMS Shares State Reporting Requirements on PHE Unwinding, but Will the Agency Share State Reports with the Public?

    We’ve been expecting CMS to release a template for states to report key baseline and monthly data that is needed to monitor the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection, but we got more than that with today’s release. CMS will also require states to complete and submit a form that summarizes the state’s approach…

  • Medicaid Expansion Discussion in Selected States Twelve Years After ACA Passage

    This week marks the twelve-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) but residents of twelve states still have not been able to access the Medicaid expansion benefit enacted as part of that law as their state leaders have blocked it from taking effect.  Over two million Americans are still unable to get quality, affordable…

  • Medicaid Managed Care: SDOH, MCO, and MLR

    There is no shortage of acronyms or initialisms in government agencies and programs and Medicaid is no exception. The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission or MACPAC (one of our favorite acronyms) devotes an entire glossary to them.  The most prominent initialism in Medicaid policy discussions these days is SDOH: social determinants of health,…