Say Ahhh!

  • Outreach and Enrollment Grants to Miss Critical Back-to-School Period Due to CHIP Funding Delay

    The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 created a grant program to improve outreach and enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP. The HEALTHY KIDS and ACCESS Acts marked the third extension of this program earlier this year. To date, this program has provided four rounds of grants to community-based organizations and states as well…

  • $7 Billion in CHIP Cuts?

    [Editor’s Note: After this blog was published, CBO Director Keith Hall responded to a request from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to project the impact of the $7 billion CHIP rescission package. The CBO letter estimates that the rescission “would not affect outlays, or the number of individuals with insurance coverage.”  This projection is not…

  • Medicaid Benefits for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Bridgeport, West Virginia and join the experts behind the Mountaineer Autism Project for their 2018 conference. The conference brought together families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the providers who serve them. I helped kick things off by outlining the Medicaid benefits for children with ASD,…

  • Kansas Legislators Reject a New Barrier to Medicaid Coverage for Very Poor Parents and CMS Just Might Agree

    At CCF we have been doing a lot of work lately trying to educate folks about who exactly is impacted by Medicaid waivers that create new barriers to coverage in states that have not accepted the option to expand Medicaid. As our recent reports on Alabama and Mississippi show, these work requirement proposals will result…

  • Medicaid Helps Babies Get What They Need to Thrive

    It bears repeating: The first three years of a child’s life shape the rest. During that short time period, babies and toddlers form more than one million new neural connections every second. Their positive development depends on nurturing relationships and environments that promote health and learning. When they don’t get what their brains need to thrive—especially…

  • New multi-generational effort for oral health

    Dental coverage for children, especially children in underserved communities, has been a primary focus for Children’s Dental Health Project over the course of our 20 years. In fact, as a result of our efforts and the partnerships we’ve been able to build, 90 percent of children now have dental coverage. But, for us, dental coverage alone is not…

  • How to Make Proper Payments to Out-of-State Providers for Medicaid Children with Special Health Care Needs

    As readers of Say Ahhh! Blog know, Medicaid covers over 35 million children, more than any other health insurer.  And as readers also know, Medicaid does not exclude children with pre-existing conditions. In fact, having a disability is one pathway to Medicaid eligibility for a child. As a result, an estimated 2 million “medically complex” children…

  • What Does Public Charge Mean for Immigrant Families?

    If you’ve been following news reports about federal immigration policy, you’ve been busy – there is a lot going on. Some changes to immigration rules went into effect with little fanfare (see NILC’s summary of the updates to the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual with instructions for US embassies deciding whether to grant immigrant and…

  • Expanding Short-Term Health Plans Will Gut Consumer Protections & Hurt Children and Families

    Get sick on the weekend? Catch an injury playing a sport? Have a pre-existing condition? Need mental health treatment?   As Los Angeles Times Columnist Michael Hiltzik recently reported, short-term health plans might not have you and your loved ones covered. Yet in their latest attempt to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Trump…

  • Ongoing Advocacy Needed to Ensure Children Covered by Managed Care Plans Receive Medicaid’s Guaranteed Pediatric Benefit

    Child health advocates know the importance of five simple but powerful letters in Medicaid: EPSDT or Early and Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment Services. EPSDT – that is, Medicaid’s comprehensive pediatric benefit standard – provides children with preventive and diagnostic services and ALL medically necessary services that can be covered under federal Medicaid law to…

  • Medicaid is a Lifeline for Arizona Families Like the Carriggs

    Meet Melanie Carrigg, who was adopted as a baby, was born with Down syndrome and is deaf. Medicaid covers a lot of her medical needs not covered by her families’ insurance, TRICARE, which is offered to military families like hers. Melanie’s mother, Austin, explains that without Medicaid, her family would face unmanageable medical expenses or…

  • Puerto Rico’s Oversight Board Certifies Fiscal Plan: What are the Implications for Medicaid?

    As I have previously written, a robust and resilient Medicaid program is essential to Puerto Rico’s long-run recovery from the devastation of Hurricanes Maria and Irma.  Its residents disproportionately rely on Medicaid for their health coverage due to their low incomes and relative lack of access to private insurance.  For example, 62 percent of children…

  • Melanie’s Story: A New Sense of Normal

    Previously, Austin shared the story of bringing baby girl Melanie into her family’s life, and how TRICARE and Medicaid helped cover her child’s complex medical needs. Today, this amazing mom shares more about Melanie’s medical journey, and how, inspired by their youngest, this family became health care policy advocates. This blog was originally published by…

  • Melanie’s Story: Adopted by an Army Family Who Meets Her Complex Medical Needs

    In honor of the “Month of the Military Child”, Speak Now for Kids published this story to help readers learn how military families like the Carriggs meet the health care needs of their children with complex medical conditions. This is the first blog post of a two part series by Austin Carrigg, the mother of three…

  • How to Reduce Improper Payments in Medicaid

    It turns out that government programs make mistakes.  Who knew? If you’re the federal government, you try to identify the mistakes your programs are making and correct them.  That’s exactly what the federal government does with its large domestic programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. Each year, in each of these programs, it measures and…

  • Medicaid Proves to be a Winning Topic in this Year’s Pulitzer Prize Contest

    Stories about Medicaid earned top honors in this year’s Pulitzer Prize contest: editorial writer Andie Dominick from the Des Moines Register earned a top prize for her columns on the consequences of Iowa’s transition to Medicaid managed care, and health journalist Andy Marso won a finalist mention for his coverage of the lack of transparency in…

  • President Trump’s Executive Order Focuses on Reducing Poverty but Many Administration Policies Run Counter to that Goal

    The President issued an executive order yesterday titled “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility”. It requires the Secretaries of Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, HHS, HUD, Transportation and Education to review all regulations and guidance to ensure they are in compliance with the executive order and submit a list of recommended regulatory…

  • Mississippi’s Proposed Medicaid Work Rule Would Disproportionately Harm Mothers Living in Small Towns and Rural Areas of State

    Mississippi’s request for a Medicaid work requirement has emerged as the one to watch. Its section 1115 waiver is now awaiting federal action and could well be the test of whether states that have never accepted the Medicaid expansion can impose this sort of requirement on their most vulnerable parents. CCF, working with the Mississippi…

  • Research Update: The Young Child Undercount in the Census

    It was announced last week that an immigration question was going to be added to the decennial census for the first time since 1960, leading to concerns of an undercount among immigrant and minority groups. Researchers are tracking hard-to-count communities from the last census (here is a map and explainer). The map considers a census…

  • Trump Administration Medicaid Drug Rebate Proposal Raises Serious Concerns for Beneficiaries, Unlikely to Reduce Costs

    As part of its fiscal year 2019 budget, the Trump Administration included a proposal to provide legislative authority for a new demonstration project for up to five states to opt out of the Medicaid drug rebate program, negotiate their own rebates from drug manufacturers and impose “closed” drug formularies for beneficiaries.  Such a proposal raises…