Media Coverage
Trump Administration Decides That The Key To Making You Healthier Is Taking Your Medicaid
Mother Jones By: Noah Lanard The Trump administration announced on Thursday that it will support work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries for the first time in the program’s history. Its justification: cutting insurance for low-income Americans who don’t work will improve their health. … Joan Alker, the executive director of Georgetown University’s Center for Children and…
CBO Says Funding CHIP Actually Saves Gov’t Billions. So What’s The Holdup?
TPM By: Alice Ollstein It has now been more than 100 days since the Republican-controlled Congress allowed funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to lapse, and despite several infusions of stopgap funding from both Capitol Hill and the Department of Health and Human Services, states could run out of money as early as…
Kids’ health insurance program faces uncertainty in Florida
The Ledger By: Christine Sexton A top Republican state senator is warning that Florida will not able to keep a major children’s health-insurance program running if Congress doesn’t authorize additional money in the near future. … An analysis by Georgetown University, however, has predicted that some states including Florida could run out of money sooner. The…
Report: Florida’s CHIP Funding Will Run Out In February
Health News Florida By: Julio Ochoa A new report finds that money for the Children’s Health Insurance Program in Florida will run out in February if Congress doesn’t act. The money provides low-cost health insurance to about 375,000 of the state’s children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid. Florida is one of…
More than a Million Kids Could Lose Health Coverage Next Month if Congress Fails to Fund CHIP
The Chronicle of Social Change By: Sara Tiano Despite new indications that renewing the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) could actually save the federal government money, Congress has yet to pass a reauthorization of the program. Nearly 1.7 million out of the 9 million children served by CHIP each year could lose healthcare coverage by…
The Note: Trump and GOP fenced in by wall, immigration
ABC News By: Rick Klein and Maryalice Parks A new report says that if Congress fails to approve funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program in January, least 24 states with separate CHIP programs are projected to have insufficient funds to cover all children beyond February. The report from the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center…
Children’s health care program gets brief reprieve in Virginia
The Daily Progress By: Ruth Serven Virginia will be able to squeak funding for children’s health care and insurance through February, but experts and legislators are pleading for a permanent funding solution. … On Friday, the Congressional Budget Office scored the Senate version of the bill, and said it would probably cost $800 million overall…
Congress’s failure to re-up CHIP funding shows its striking ineptitude
Washington Post By: Editorial Board Disagreement in Congress is not necessarily a sign of dysfunction. But when both parties broadly agree that something should happen yet serially fail to follow through, the nation’s leaders look particularly inept. … Democrats and Republicans in Congress created CHIP in 1997 to assist families who make too much to…
Iowa to notify families soon about kid’s health insurance
Associated Press By: Barbara Rodriguez Iowa is preparing to notify families in early February that federal money could run out soon for a health insurance program that covers roughly 60,000 low-income children in the state, though officials are also hopeful congressional action early in the new year will make such contingency plans unnecessary. The Iowa…
This Congress’s clear priorities: corporations, not children
Vox By: Dylan Scott Congress is preparing to go home for the holidays having delivered a historic tax cut for corporations — and having done only the absolute minimum to stave off disaster for the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The government spending bill released on Thursday, which Republican leadership hopes to pass in a matter…
Don’t Play Politics With Kids’ Health
WBUR By: John Nash and Sandra Fenwick When Congress allowed the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to expire in September, it missed its first opportunity for bipartisan action to ensure more children have access to health care. In the rush to leave Washington for the holiday recess, Congress passed an extension to fund CHIP through March…
Medicaid is GOP target in 2018
The Hill By: Nathaniel Weixel Medicaid could face crucial tests in 2018 at both the federal and state levels. Republicans in Congress failed in their attempts earlier this year to impose drastic cuts to the program as part of ObamaCare repeal, but GOP lawmakers could try again next year. … “Medicaid is front and center…
Taking Health Care From Kids
New York Times By: David Leonhardt At the White House yesterday, Republicans celebrated their passage of a big tax cut. Somehow, though, they still haven’t found the time or the money to protect health insurance for millions of low-income children. In September, Congress allowed funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (known as CHIP) to…
Bipartisan support for CHIP extension not resulting in quick solution
WILX 10 An insurance program meant to cover low-income kids is nearly out of money. Washington can easily reauthorize new money for the program, and many legislators on both sides of the aisle want to. However, another week wraps up, and once again, Congress has not closed a deal on new funding for the Children’s…
Medicaid Expansion and the Future of CHIP
WGCU News By: John Davis A pair of Democratic state lawmakers have introduced joint resolutions for the 2018 legislative session that propose an amendment to the Florida constitution to expand Medicaid coverage through the Affordable Care Act. The proposals, from Rep. Lori Berman, D-Lantana and Sen. Annette Taddeo, D-Miami, would have to be approved by at least 60 percent of…
What’s At Stake In Massachusetts If Federal CHIP Funding Is Not Renewed
WGBH News By: Emily Judem A brightly decorated Christmas tree blinks in one corner of the children’s playroom, and in front of it, Samuel and Gabriella Diaz are sitting on the floor, surrounded by a colorful array of toys. Two-year-old Gabriella, dressed in pink flannel penguin pajamas, squeals happily as she pulls a wooden duck…
State officials panicked over CHIP: ‘We’re in a terrible situation right now’
Politico Pro By: Rachana Pradhan Families are becoming increasingly panicked about children losing health insurance without new funding from Congress, state officials warned Wednesday as a new report showed nearly 2 million kids could be dropped from coverage next month. Roughly 1.9 million children across the country could lose insurance in January if Congress fails to renew…
States prepare to shut down children’s health programs if Congress doesn’t act
Washington Post By: Colby Itkowitz Officials in nearly a dozen states are preparing to notify families that a crucial health insurance program for low-income children is running out of money for the first time since its creation two decades ago, putting coverage for many at risk by the end of the year. … Other states,…
Congress has 11 days before the CHIP nightmare gets very real
Vox By: Dylan Scott The stakes of Congress’s inability to reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are getting dire. Congress let the program’s funding technically expire at the end of September. States and the feds have been getting by with some creative budgeting to make sure no kids are kicked off the…
Here’s when states could run out of money to fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program
PBS News Hour By: Laura Santhanam Nine million children nationwide receive health care coverage through the Children’s Health Insurance Program. But many of them could soon be uninsured if Congress doesn’t vote to reauthorize its funding. … ll states will feel the impact of a discontinued CHIP. It’s just a matter of when and by…