Media Coverage

Medicaid block grants would allow states not to cover some drugs

Modern Healthcare Medicaid block grant guidance unveiled on Thursday would allow states to exclude some prescription drugs from their formularies, though the CMS in 2018 denied Massachusetts’ request to employ a similar strategy. … Edwin Park, a research professor at the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy, said he views the potential optional expansion […]

Pursuing Medicaid coverage at birth, Casey launches ‘Marshall Plan’ of policies for America’s children

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Sen. Bob Casey plans to propose the most sweeping expansions of children’s health care, education and school meal programs in recent memory, launching a messaging campaign in Harrisburg on Friday that he will take across Pennsylvania in 2020. Among the central tenets of the plan, which was provided to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, is […]

The Trump Administration Is Coming For Medicaid Again

Huffington Post By; Jonathan Cohn The Trump administration is back with a new initiative that could make it harder for some low-income Americans to get health care. … But if some state officials try, as several conservative ones seem inclined to do, and if the courts allow it, as perhaps some conservative judges will decide […]

Trump Administration Clears The Way For Medicaid Block Grants

NPR By: Selena Simmons-Duffin The Trump administration wants to dramatically alter the way the federal government gives money to states for Medicaid. … Critics responded quickly to Thursday’s announcement. Eagan Kemp, health care policy advocate with the liberal advocacy group Public Citizen, called the program “a Medicaid block grant by another name.” Edwin Park of […]