Media Coverage

  • Groups Urge Congress to Renew Children’s Health Insurance Program

    WIZM By Mitch Reynolds Lower income kids suddenly not having health coverage is a real possibility in just a few weeks. Kids Forward in Wisconsin is among the groups warning against Congress delaying a vote on renewing the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). … Jon Peacock, with the group Kids Forward, says renewal is important…

  • Will Congress Pass CHIP Renewal?

    MedPage Today By Shannon Firth WASHINGTON — Federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is slated to expire on Sept. 30, giving Congress a tight deadline to renew the popular program — and also an opportunity to hang other less-popular pieces of legislation onto what is widely seen as a “must-pass” bill. …..…

  • California Kids Still Face Risks to Health Care

    New America Media By Viji Sundarum Get repeal and replace done, or else! That ultimatum by President Trump to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ordering him to get rid of Obamacare may be mere sabre rattling, but nevertheless the majority of Republicans in the Senate are still bent on upending the health care law despite three…

  • Some Lawmakers See Leeway In Children’s Health Program Deadline

    Congressional Quarterly   The Children’s Health Insurance Program’s funding deadline looms at the end of next month, but advocacy groups are worried that reauthorization won’t be addressed until funding is fully exhausted later in the year. … “There is a false sense that Congress has more time to act,” said Elisabeth Wright Burak, senior program…

  • Arkansas Health Hub Panel Urges Slight ‘Navigator’ Funding Rise

    Arkansas Democrat By Andy Davis A committee of the Arkansas Health Insurance Marketplace recommended Wednesday that the agency slightly increase its spending on outreach workers to help people sign up for coverage. … Committee member Marquita Little, health care policy director for Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, said she is concerned that the state’s…

  • Federal Funding Expiration Has Utah Health Groups Concerned

    KUER By Erik Neumann September 30th marks the end of the federal government’s fiscal year. Local healthcare advocates are concerned because it’s the time when federal funding for two health programs in Utah is set to expire. …. Jessie Mandle is a Senior Health Policy Analyst at Voices for Utah Children. “Just given the overall…

  • More Children In U.S. Illegally To Receive Health Care

    Huffington Post By Michael Ollove Last year, California extended full Medicaid benefits to child immigrants, no matter their immigration status, if their families otherwise meet the income thresholds for the joint federal-state health insurance program for the poor and disabled. Dolores, now 17, is enrolled. …. “These benefits give parents great peace of mind and…

  • State Won’t Break Even On Foxconn Deal Until At Least 2043

    WORT FM By WORT FM News Department and Nina Kravinsky The legislative fiscal bureau says it will take at least 25 years for Wisconsin’s incentives package for the manufacturer to break even. … Director of the non-profit Wisconsin Budget Project Jon Peacock says the deal is quote “unprecedented.” Also in the bill — a tax…

  • State Debate: GOP Rep. Gallagher Cited For Bipartisanship; Foxconn Still Occupies the Commentators

    The Cap Times Columnist Bill Kaplan, writing on WisOpinion, gives a shout-out to Wisconsin’s 8th District Congressman Mike Gallagher for exhibiting solid signs of bipartisanship in tackling some of the country’s knotty problems. Gallagher, for example, has joined 42 other Republican and Democratic members of Congress seeking a bipartisan approach to fixing health care, a huge step…

  • Critics Ask: What’s The Financial Fallout If Foxconn Fails To Live Up To ‘The Hype’?

    The Cap Times By Lisa Speckhard Pasque Since the announcement that Taiwan LCD manufacturer Foxconn will build a factory in Wisconsin, the news has been full of numbers: the potential number of jobs created, the billions Foxconn will invest and the billions in tax incentives. … Jon Peacock, director of the Wisconsin Budget Project, appeared…

  • States Prepare For Losing CHIP Funding Despite Reassurances From Congress

    Inside Health Policy States have started preparing in case federal funds for the Children’s Health Insurance Program run out, the National Academy for State Health Policy said, and CMS recently discussed CHIP contingency plans with state officials, though states received assurances of bipartisan support for CHIP by Senate Finance Chair Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and ranking…

  • States Prepare For Losing CHIP Funding Despite Reassurances From Congress

    InsideHealthPolicy By: Michelle Stein States have started preparing in case federal funds for the Children’s Health Insurance Program run out, the National Academy for State Health Policy said, and CMS recently discussed CHIP contingency plans with state officials, though states received assurances of bipartisan support for CHIP by Senate Finance Chair Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and…

  • The High Cost of Foxconn

    The Urban Milwaukee By Jon Peacock The cost of the proposed new tax credits for the tentative deal with Foxconn could be far larger per job created than some people have suggested. Those costs will vary greatly depending on the ratio of spending for payroll versus the capital expenditures.

  • Drug Puts A $750,000 ‘Price Tag On Life’

    NPR Shots By Julie Appleby Jana Gundy and Amanda Chaffin, who live within two hours of each other in Oklahoma, each have a child with the same devastating disease. The genetic condition, spinal muscular atrophy, robs its sufferers of muscle strength, affecting their ability to sit, stand or even breathe. … With any costly new…

  • State’s Students Under Medicaid Cuts

    The Journal Gazette Medicaid issues might not seem to fall under the purview of the state superintendent of public instruction, but Jennifer McCormick knows the vital link between the federal health care program and Indiana schools. That’s why she sent a letter to each member of the state’s congressional delegation, urging them to protect Medicaid funding. ……

  • What Was In The Failed Senate ‘Skinny Repeal’ Health Care Bill?

    CNN Money By: Tami Luhby Lawmakers only had a few hours to consider the “skinny repeal” bill before voting on it. The legislation would have unwound parts of Obamacare in hopes of winning the approval of at least 50 of their members. Senators would have then hammered out a final bill with the House in…

  • The Most Influential Health Care Studies, According to Twitter

    The Incidental Economist Austin Frakt In an interview, a journalist asked me for the health care studies with greatest policy influence. I said the RAND Health Insurance Experiment and the Oregon Medicaid Study. I added there are certainly more worthy to be named, but this is not a thing my brain does so readily. … Wagnerman K, Alker…

  • Uninsured Rate For Alaska Native Children Cut Almost In Half

    The Delta Discovery By: Trevor Storrs Alaska is among the top states leading a national trend in improvements to health care coverage rates for American Indian/Alaska Native children, according to a new report by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. … “At a time when Congress is considering extremely large cuts to Medicaid…

  • Indiana Scales Back Work Requirement

    Modern Healthcare By: Virgil Dickson Indiana has relaxed its proposal to impose a work requirement on Medicaid beneficiaries following public backlash for the new provisions. But policy experts remain concerned that access to care will suffer. … “Any work requirement is bad policy as it will be counterproductive and administratively costly and doesn’t serve the…

  • Report Finds Mixed Results In Health Coverage For South Dakota Natives

    South Dakota Public Broadcasting By: Lee Strubinger For about a decade the rate of uninsured Native American children in South Dakota declined by almost fifty percent. In the same period, the rate of uninsured adults went up. … That’s according to a recent study out of Georgetown University, which finds South Dakota is one of…