Media Coverage

  • Medicaid Cuts Would Reduce Access To Care For Kids

    The Daily Item By: Pat Bruno As early as next week, the U.S. Senate could vote on its version of health care legislation. Though no version has been shared with the public, if it’s anything like the American Health Care Act (AHCA) recently passed by the House, pediatricians and the kids we serve are in…

  • Rural Areas Brace For Health Care Bill Impact

    Roll Call By: Sandhya Raman The Senate historically has paid special attention to the needs of rural areas, but as the chamber readies its health care bill, there are concerns that the bill would undermine coverage in those places more than anywhere else. … About 51 percent of residents in rural West Virginia, 47 percent…

  • G.O.P. Plan Is Really A Rollback Of Medicaid

    The New York Times By: Margot Sanger-Katz Tucked inside the Republican bill to replace Obamacare is a plan to impose a radical diet on a 52-year-old program that insures nearly one in five Americans. The bill, of course, would modify changes to the health system brought by the Affordable Care Act. But it would also…

  • In Texas, People With Erratic Incomes Risk Being Cut Off From Medicaid

    CNN Money By: Shefali Luthra Worries about whether her children can still get the health care they need are never far from Dawn Poole’s mind. It’s a constant, underlying concern. … Systems with such frequent checks aren’t common, says Tricia Brooks, a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. Neither she nor…

  • Budget Negotiations Could Result In Reduction In Federal Money For Medicaid

    KOZI The Trump-supported rollback of the Affordable Care Act would reduce federal money that 31 states have relied on to extend Medicaid coverage. And Medicaid spending would fall from two percent of the economy to 1.7 percent in 2027 due to the reductions in Trump’s budget. A new report shows Medicaid is critical for providing…

  • Medicaid Enrollment A “Lifeline” For Rural Residents, Children

    HealthPayer Intelligence Medicaid enrollment rates are highest for adults and children in small town and rural areas, providing a “lifeline” for low-income beneficiaries, according to a new analysis by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families and the University of North Carolina NC Rural Health Research Program. … “Medicaid is of critical importance to people living in…

  • Republicans’ Health-Care Plans Could Put Premature Babies And Other Vulnerable Children At Risk

    Rewire By: S.E. Smith With Senate Republicans threatening to push their version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) to a vote before Independence Day, the future of U.S. health care is uncertain. Although the Senate is being secretive about its version of the bill, the extensive proposed changes in the House’s version could roll…

  • Medicaid Overhaul Faces Tough Test In Trump Country

    Politico Pro By: Rachana Pradhan The Trump administration’s planned overhaul of Medicaid is running into the unforgiving reality of impoverished small towns like this one, which voted overwhelmingly for President Donald Trump. … In Magoffin County, where a third of residents live in poverty, the uninsured rate among adults dropped from 32 percent to 12…

  • What’s At Stake For Children’s Health Care?

    PBS By: Laura Santhanam For months, the Trump administration and Congress have debated the future of health care, including nearly $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid, which has enrolled nearly 37 million children. By comparison, 8.4 million children have been enrolled in the Children’s Health Insurance Program and its funding is up for reauthorization in September. ……

  • Indiana Skipped Legal Steps In Requesting Medicaid Waiver

    Modern Healthcare By: Virgil Dickson Indiana has opened up its pending request for a Medicaid work requirement to legal challenges by skipping a crucial step in the submission process. … “This appears to be a reversal of that policy,” said Joan Alker, executive director of the Georgetown Center for Children and Families. “That is a…

  • How Trump’s Budget Could Take Healthcare Away From Children

    Paste Magazine By: Savannah McCoy President Trump’s proposed budget cuts include cutting into the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid. … Trump believes his budget will trim unnecessary spending, but others, such as Joan Alker, the director of Georgetown University’s Children and Families Center, think the cuts will create more harm than good. “To…

  • Big Federal Data Program May Come Too Late For Medicaid Debate

    Politico Pro By: David Pittman CMS is three years behind on the creation of a $100 million database that could answer policy questions of deep relevance in Congress today and of pressing importance to the future of Medicaid. … “These larger data systems turn out to be more challenging I think than anticipated,” said Tricia…

  • Report: Rural Areas Would Be Most Impacted By Medicaid Cuts

    Mankato Free Press By: Brain Arola Proposed cuts to Medicaid would disproportionately impact children and adults in rural areas and small towns, according to a report released Wednesday. … The analysis from researchers at Georgetown University and the University of North Carolina used census data to compare Medicaid enrollment and uninsured rates before and after…

  • Healthcare Challenges Facing Rural Communities

    The Jackson Sun By: Omer Yusuf The Jackson Sun co-sponsored a public forum with the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families on “Tennessee’s Rural Health Crisis” to address the various health care issues in rural communities. … Andy Schneider, a research professor at the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University, presented at…

  • Trump’s Base In Rural America Could Be Disproportionately Hurt By Medicaid Cuts

    The Washington Post By: Jose A. DelReal The Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion disproportionately benefited rural Americans over their urban counterparts, according to a new report, and President Trump’s proposed cuts to the program could negatively affect millions of them who have come to rely on it for coverage. … The ACA, better known as…

  • GOP Medicaid Cuts Hit Rural America Hardest, Report Finds

    Kaiser Health News By: Phil Galewitz Trump Country it may be, but rural counties and small towns also make up Medicaid Country — those parts of the nation whose low-income children and families are most dependent on the federal-state health insurance program, according to a report released Wednesday. … “There is no doubt that children…

  • Medicaid Plays A More Significant Role In Small Towns And Rural Communities Than In Metro Areas

    Wire Update Medicaid plays a larger role in providing health coverage to people living in small towns and rural communities than it does in metropolitan areas, a trend that is particularly striking among children, according to an extensive analysis by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families and the University of North Carolina NC Rural Health Research Program.…

  • Study: Medicaid Cuts Would Disproportionately Affect Arizona’s Rural Children

    Arizona Public Media By: Vanessa Barchfield Fifty-four percent of children in Arizona living in small towns and rural areas got health coverage through AHCCCS, the state’s Medicaid program in 2015, a study said. … “And I think what this research shows is that children and families in small towns and rural areas will be disproportionately…

  • How Proposed Spending Caps To Medicaid Are Calculated

    Fox Business By: Jo Craven McGinty The fiscal 2018 budget, released last week, was short on details but endorses a bill passed last month by the U.S. House of Representatives that would restrict Medicaid spending for the first time since the program started in 1965. … “That’s serious capital coming into a state treasury,” said…

  • GOP Health Care Bill Analysis To Be Released By Congressional Budget Office

    Normangee Star By: Madeline Patrick Under the ACA, health plans sold to individuals and small groups (employers with 50 or fewer employees) must include 10 essential benefits: emergency services, habilitative and rehabilitative services, inpatient care, outpatient care, maternity and newborn care, mental health and addiction treatment, lab tests, preventive care, prescriptions, and pediatric services, including oral…