Media Coverage

  • Trump Nominee For Health Programs Signals Changes Ahead

    USA Today By: Maureen Groppe and Tony Cook President-elect Donald Trump chose Seema Verma as the next Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrator. Many healthcare experts are concerned about Trump’s choices, because, as Joan Alker mentioned, there are many people that rely on Medicaid and Medicare and they will be facing hard times with…

  • Trump’s CMS Pick Is Viewed As Both Patient Advocate And Foe

    Modern Healthcare By: Virgil Dickson Seems Verma has been chosen by President-elect Trump to be the next Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrator. She has had a lot of experience in reforming Medicaid agencies in states such as Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio. However, as Joan Alker mentioned, Verma’s point of view may…

  • Trump Picks Pence Advisor Seema Verma To Lead Medicaid, Medicare

    WFYI By: Jake Harper Seema Verma, healthcare consultant that aided to form Indiana’s health policy, has been assigned by President-elect Trump to lead Medicaid and Medicare Services. She will be essential when President-elect Trump and Congress begin to make changes in the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid programs. … Joan Alker, with the Georgetown Center…

  • Number Of Uninsured Children In Tennessee Decreasing

    The Tennessean By: Michele Johnson Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, Tennessee created TennCare and CoverKids to make healthcare coverage accessible for more and more children. It worked. The recently released research by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families reported that Tennessee’s children increased their rate of insured children by 1.6%. … According to a…

  • Research: 95% Of Children Were Insured In 2015

    Open Minds According to the recent report released by Joan Alker and Alisa Chester from Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, a historical high rate has been reached in terms of insured children. Between 2013-2015, the nation’s rate of insured children increased by 2.3%, reaching  a 95.2% of insured children. … These findings were reported…

  • Could Quick Obamacare Repeal Sink The Individual Market?

    Politico By: Dan Diamond With the new administration in place, 4 Republican governors are worried about Medicaid, because they have already expanded Medicaid and are concerned about the consequences that removing the Affordable Care Act may have. … GOP governors concerned about Medicaid expansion: Four. That’s the latest count from Georgetown’s Center for Children and…

  • Kids Count Celebrates Advances In Children’s Health

    East Providence Patch By: Margo Sullivan Rhode Island reached a historical high of 97% of children with health insurance. According to the recent report by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, between 2013-2015, Rhode Island’s number of insured children increased by 5,000 (2%). … Chu cited a new national report (Children’s Health Coverage Rate…

  • What’s Happening In Copper Canyon – November 2016

    The Cross Timbers Gazette According to the recently published report by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, Texas is still lacking behind every state (except one) with a 9.5% of uninsured children. … Texas still ranks second-worst State in the nation for medically uninsured children, even though the rate of Texas kids without medical…

  • Millions Could Lose Medicaid Coverage Under Trump Plan

    Kaiser Health News By: Phil Galewitz If President-elect Donal Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress do cut the state-federal insurance program (Medicaid), millions of low-income Americans could lose their health insurance coverage. However, there is still faith that this will not happen, because as the executive director of Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, Joan…

  • Indiana Gains In Children’s Healthcare Coverage

    WBIW Thanks to the launch of HIP 2.0 in 2015, Indiana has increase its number of insured children by 1.7% between 2013-2015, according to the recent report released by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. … According to a new report by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, children in our state have…

  • State Seeks To Preserve Its System For Low-Income Patients

    Herald Tribune By: Kim Doleatto Florida’s Medicaid waiver is to expire on June 2017, and so Florida is requesting that the federal government extend a five-year-old program into private insurance plans to save money. … Still, the system has its critics. This year a statewide survey of pediatricians — commissioned by a partnership between the…

  • Making The Case For Medicaid Expansion (Again)

    The Progressive Pulse By: Clayton Henkel Joan Alker, the executive director of Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, talked about the recent report released by CCF on children’s historical high insurance rate. She mentioned that from 2013 to 2015, children’s uninsured rate decreased from 7.1% to 4.8%, thanks to Medicaid, CHIP, and other coverage…

  • Comments Due Nov. 10 On Florida’s Medicaid Managed-Care Waiver

    Modern Healthcare By: Virgil Dickson Florida has been looking to expand its Medicaid waiver since 2014, and time is running out for Florida, because on June 30, 2017 the waiver expires. Therefore, Florida has been collecting comments on the waiver, advocates have been speaking up using evidence-based research, such as the report released in June…

  • State Has Low Rate Of Uninsured Kids

    The Dominion Post By: Conor Griffith A recent study by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families showed that West Virginia has one of the highest rates of insured children – only 2.8% of children are uninsured. … According to a report by the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center For Children and Families, West…

  • Mental To Dental: SB-75 Provides All California Youth With Access To Full-Scope Health Coverage

    Asian Journal By: Eric Anthony Licas Thanks to the California Senate Bill 75, Medi-Cal expanded their children insurance coverage, increasing its children insurance rate to 97%, regardless of their immigration status. According to the recent report by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, there’s still 3% of uninsured children, mostly due to California’s size.…

  • CMS Rejects New Hampshire’s Request For Medicaid Work Requirement, Proof Of ID

    Modern Healthcare By: Virgil Dickson New Hampshire’s Medicaid waiver request has not been approved by CMS, because it imposed a work requirement of 30 hours per week for their Medicaid’s beneficiaries. It also required that all adults were U.S. citizens with two forms of IDs, and for non-emergency visits to the emergency room to cost…

  • Local Health-Care Software Firm Sold

    Fort Wayne Business Weekly The release of Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) 2.0 in 2015 expanded coverage to more uninsured adults, and consequently, to more uninsured children. This was analyzed in the recent report released by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. … The number of uninsured Hoosier children declined from 8.2 percent in 2013 to…

  • Manatt On Health Reform: Weekly Highlights – November 2016

    JD Supra According to the recent report publish by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, children’s insurance rate reached a historical rate of 95.2% in 2015, thanks to Medicaid and CHIP under the Affordable Care Act. However, there are still some states, like Texas, that still have a lot of work to do. … 95%…

  • Children And Healthcare In Tennessee

    WGNS Radio Tennessee has increased its children insurance rate to 96%, thanks to Medicaid, CHIP, and the Affordable Care Act, according to the recent report published by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. … Almost 96 percent of Tennessee children have health insurance with an additional 23,000 children getting coverage since 2013, according to…

  • Child Uninsured Rate In California Ranks Lowest In Nation

    EurWeb According to new report released by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, California now has 371,000 more children with insurance, reducing 55% of uninsured children between 2013 and 2015. Thus, California now only has 3% of uninsured children. … California is leading the way in a national trend that has brought the child…