Media Coverage

Is the U.S. Health Care System Trending the Wrong Way?

Politico By: Dan Diamond Youth uninsured numbers: going up. ACA enrollment: sharply down. Life expectancy: still sliding. A series of recent reports are showing cracks in the nation’s public health, and it’s not clear if the Trump administration’s policies are helping. “To borrow Ronald Reagan’s line, is the health care system better off than it […]

Under Trump, the number of uninsured kids is suddenly rising

Vox The number of uninsured children in America is on the rise. An estimated 3.9 million children were uninsured in 2017, according to new research from Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, up from 3.6 million in 2016. Every state saw an increase in their share of uninsured children; Washington, D.C. did not. Two charts tell the story: […]

CMS Unveils Proposed Changes to Part D Drug Policies

MedPage Today The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced several new policies aimed at lowering drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries, but critics say the savings may be quite modest and that the proposals may reduce beneficiaries’ access to needed drugs. “Foremost in our mind was the impact on patients and ensuring affordability and […]