Media Coverage
CHIP Is Reinstated In Arizona; 30,000 Children Receive Coverage
Inside Health Policy By Erin Raftery Children’s health care advocates are applauding the passage of reinstating KidsCare, Arizona’s Children’s Health Insurance Program. Arizona was the only state without a CHIP program. The Georgetown Center for Children and Families praised the passage of the bill. “Arizona is an outlier no more as it joins the…
Kids Health, K-12 Funding Stand Out In State Budget Battle
Arizona Public Media By: AZPM Staff Arizona’s KidsCare program has been frozen since 2010, and it has lead to 160,000 uninsured children, which, according to a study by the Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, puts Arizona on the top 5 states with the highest uninsured rates. … Arizona has 160,000 children who are…
Arizona Organizations, Show Your Support For Reinstating KidsCare
Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth By: Carley Perlman April 29, 2016 KidsCare program’s frozen in Arizona, making this state the only state without Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Based on a report by the Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, this lead to more than 160,000 uninsured children – making Arizona the 2nd…
Grijalva Responds To Claim That Federal Funding Won’t Be There For KidsCare
Grijalva House.Gov By: Raúl M. Grijalva April 22, 2016 Raúl M. Grijalva, a congressman, wrote a letter to the Arizona State Senate President Andy Biggs, where he expressed his concerns on Arizona’s children healthcare status, and provided information supporting the ‘motion’ to bring back the KidsCare program on 2017. … Ending the enrollment freeze on KidsCare…
My Turn: Why KidsCare Is Particularly Critical For Those With Autism
The Arizona Republic By: Tim Jordan April 19, 2016 KidsCare is discussed, mentioning that every state has its version of the CHIP program, including those non-expansion states. The article specially talks about the program when dealing with special treatments – regarding special health-care needs children, as are those kids with autism. … A study by Georgetown…
New Study: Expanding KidsCare Would Give Arizona $75 Million Jolt
The Arizona Republic By: Ken Alltucker April 13, 2016 Arizona, according to a study by the Center for Children and Families, is one of the states with the highest rate of uninsured children, because it does not have an active version of the CHIP program. Once they make changes to this, the state would be…
Dear Governor Ducey: Unfreeze KidsCare
Arizona Grantmakers Forum By: Laurie Liles March 23, 2016 Laurie Liles published a letter she sent to the Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, requesting him to unfreeze KidsCare. The letter provided evidence with the objectives that restoring KidsCare coverage would accomplish: healthier children doing better in school and having a better future, and improvement in…
Arizona Kids are Falling Through the Cracks Without Active KidsCare Program
Community Catalyst January 15, 2016 A study by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families reported that Arizona has one of the highest rates for uninsured children in the United States. This is due to the fact that Arizona does not have an active CHIP program, which they call KidsCare. That is also affecting…
Arizona Health Advocates Join Forces To Support Future Bill To Resurrect KidsCare
The Hertel Report January 13, 2016 KidsCare, Arizona’s version of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), has been inactive since 2010, and ended in 2014. Based on a study by the Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, that has lead Arizona to have the highest rates of uninsured children in the United States of…
Report: ACA Provisions Drop Children’s Uninsured Rate To Historic Low
Inside CMS By Erin Rafferty October 29th, 2015 The rate of uninsured children dropped to an historic low of 6 percent in 2014, down from 7.1 percent in 2013, and states that expanded Medicaid typically had sharper declines in the number of uninsured children than non-expansion states, according to a report commissioned by the Georgetown…
Study: More Nevada Children With Health Insurance
KTVN By Arianna Bennett November 4th, 2015 A national study just released shows Nevada has made major gains when it comes to children with health insurance. According to the study by Georgetown University, Nevada went from nearly 100,000 children who were uninsured in 2013 to about 64,000 last year. That bumped our state up in…
Medicaid Expansion Helping Drive Further Gains in Kids’ Health Coverage
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities By Jesse Cross-Call October 28th, 2015 The uninsured rate among children fell to a historic low of 6 percent in 2014 as health reform’s major coverage expansions took effect, the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families’ annual report on children’s health coverage finds. That’s down from 7.1 percent in…
Historic Drop in Rate of Uninsured Children Linked to the Affordable Care Act
Families USA By Shannon Attanasio October 29th, 2015 Great news this week out of Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families about how the Affordable Care Act is affecting health insurance for children. Based on analysis of data from 50 states, they found that the rate of children without health insurance has plummeted to a new…
97 Percent of Children in West Virginia Have Health Insurance Coverage
Tech Times By Dianne Depra November 3rd, 2015 Majority of children in West Virginia have health care coverage, according to the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center for Children and Families (CCF). … Other key findings from the CCF include that the Affordable Care Act brought about highest drop in uninsurance rates in children,…
Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment & Uninsured Children
WGCU By John Davis November 4th, 2015 November 1 marked the start of open enrollment to sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Residents of Florida, along with three dozen other states can shop for plans online at through the end of January. Florida residents led in enrollment last year with about…
Health Insurance for Kids Jumps to Best Numbers in Decades
Equal Voice November 2nd, 2015 The percentage of children without health insurance fell to its lowest point in decades in 2014, with Alabama boasting the lowest rate in the Deep South, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute reported. … “States that extended Medicaid coverage to more uninsured adults saw nearly double the rate of decline…
Illinois has fewer uninsured children, but Cook County needs work
Public News Service October 30th, 2015 Illinois is doing better than most states when it comes to children’s health-insurance coverage. A report released today from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families shows Illinois’ rate of uninsured children dropped more than 20 percent from 2013. Kathy Waligora, director of health-reform initiaves at EverThrive Illinois, credited…
Without expanding Medicaid, uninsured kid’s numbers fall
Greater Dakota News Services By Jack taylor November 2nd, 2015 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) – A report from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families shows South Dakota’s rate of uninsured kids dropped 9% last year. Carole Cochran with South Dakota Kid’s Count, says while the state did not expand Medicaid, South Dakota…
More uninsured children in Virginia
Newsplex October 30th, 2015 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The number of uninsured children in Virginia was an estimated 107,000 in 2014. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports a study from the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families reveals that the number of uninsured children in the state has increased from 5.4 percent in…
Fewer Florida children uninsured in 2014
Herald Tribune By Maggie Clark October 29th, 2015 Despite chart-topping insurance signups up through the Affordable Care Act and record-breaking Medicaid enrollment last year, hundreds of thousands of Florida children still went without insurance coverage in 2014, according to newly released U.S. Census data on health insurance status. Last year, 377,987 Florida children were uninsured.…