Media Coverage

Illinois Reaping Benefits of Medicaid Expansion

Public News Service By: Mary Kuhlman New research illustrates the significant impact Medicaid expansion is having in Illinois, especially in rural areas. According to the findings, among states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, uninsured rates for low-income adults living in rural areas and small towns fell more than three times more than […]

Report: Medicaid Expansion a Boost for Rural Kentucky

Public News Service By: Mary Kuhlman New research illustrates the significant impact Medicaid expansion is having in Kentucky, especially in rural areas. Among states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, according to the findings, uninsured rates for low-income adults living in rural areas and small towns fell more than three times more than […]

Study: Rate of Uninsured Falls In Rural Conn.

WNPR By: Jeff Cohen The rate of people without health insurance in rural Connecticut has gone down dramatically since the passage of the Affordable Care Act. That’s the takeaway message from a new report on health insurance out of Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. Edwin Park, a research professor at the center, said […]

Close governor races could decide future of Medicaid

Modern Healthcare By: Harris Meyer … Polls show the public supports Medicaid expansion, including in red states. A July tracking poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that in the 14 states that have not expanded Medicaid, 51% of those polled said they favor expansion, with 39% opposing it. A recent poll found 65% […]