Media Coverage

Children’s Health and Well Being During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Kaiser Family Foundation By: Rachel Garfield and Priya Chidambaram The debate over school openings has highlighted the implications of the coronavirus pandemic for children and their families. While experts continue to gather data on children’s risk for contracting and transmitting coronavirus, current research suggests that though children are more likely to be asymptomatic and less […]

Covid Causes Vast Drop in Critical Early Child Care for Poor

Bloomberg Quint The Covid-19 pandemic is harming the long-term health of low-income children, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said Wednesday. Vaccination rates, primary preventive care, and screenings among children in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program have plummeted during the pandemic, the CMS said. Between March and May, vaccinations for children under […]

California Rx: State May Dive Into Generic Drug Market

Kaiser Health News By: Angela Hart and Samantha Young  California is poised to become the first state to develop its own line of generic drugs, targeting soaring drug prices and stepping into a fiercely competitive drug market dominated by deep-pocketed pharmaceutical companies… “Other legislative efforts in Congress and in other states have focused on government […]