Media Coverage

Recession And Medicaid Budgets: What Are The Options?

Health Affairs By: Allan Baumgarten and Katherine Hempstead The COVID-19 pandemic and related economic dislocation are having a major impact on state budgets, particularly their Medicaid programs.  Medicaid is inherently counter-cyclical, meaning that enrollment and spending increase in response to economic downturns.  Medicaid enrollment will grow as workers lose jobs and coverage.  Forecasts range from […]

Telehealth and Medicaid Expansion during COVID

RAC Monitor By:  Knicole C. Emanuel Esq This article will explore Medicaid expansion during COVID-19. We all know that COVID has uprooted our lives. Telehealth is the new post-COVID norm, whereas it was in infancy pre-COVID. Perhaps the pandemic has spurred on Medicaid expansion as well. Everyone has more patients, and more ways to serve […]

Covid-19 Vaccination Costs to Strain State Medicaid Programs

Bloomberg Law Getting millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses to the poorest adults in the country will require budget-conscious Medicaid plans to get creative with dwindling resources and a patchy health-care system not designed for mass inoculation. … But analysts say that increase probably won’t be enough for Medicaid plans to cover a new swath of […]