Media Coverage
Statement on the SCHIP Conference Agreement
Cindy Mann, executive director of the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, issued the following statement on the release of a State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) conference agreement. Putting America’s children first, House and Senate negotiators have produced a SCHIP conference agreement that will ensure that millions more children have the health care…
Op-Ed: House Republicans Should Override Veto on SCHIP
On Oct. 18, the U.S. House of Representatives failed to override the president’s veto of the reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. One week later, despite making significant changes in the legislation called for by House Republicans, the House again failed to get the two-thirds needed to overcome yet another threatened veto. Congressman…
The Number of Uninsured Children Hits New High
WASHINGTON — After years of success in covering more of America’s children, new Census Bureau data released today show that the number of uninsured children has increased for the second consecutive year and has hit a new high, according to the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. In 2006, the number of uninsured children…
Rules May Limit Health Program Aiding Children
The Bush administration, continuing its fight to stop states from expanding the popular Children’s Health Insurance Program, has adopted new standards that would make it much more difficult for New York, California and others to extend coverage to children in middle-income families. Administration officials outlined the new standards in a letter sent to state health…
New Bush Policies Limit Reach of Child Insurance Plan
The Bush administration, engaged in a battle with Congress over whether a popular children’s health insurance program should be expanded, has announced new policies that will make it harder for states to insure all but the lowest-income children. New administrative hurdles, which state health officials were told about late last week, are aimed at preventing…
Statement on the Senate’s and House’s Approval of SCHIP Bills
Children were well served by their political leaders this week. Both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate voted to approve legislation to reauthorize the SCHIP program and ensure that millions more of America’s children will have the health care coverage that they need. Read the Full Statement
New Fight Over More Children’s Health Aid: Bush Vows to Veto Plan to Cover Three Million
WASHINGTON – The politically charged proposal to extend health insurance to more than 3 million poor and lower-income children nationally – one of the most ambitious domestic health proposals to come through Congress in the last decade – unfolded yesterday in the Senate under the shadow of a formal veto threat from President Bush. But…
Statement on the House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman’s SCHIP Bill
Cindy Mann, executive director of the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, issued the following statement on the release of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Children’s Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act of 2007 (H.R. 3162) to renew the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman’s bill…
New Poll Findings: Americans Strongly Support Extending SCHIP to More Children
WASHINGTON — The vast majority of American voters strongly support extending State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) coverage to more uninsured children, according to a nationwide poll released today by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. This is the first poll to ask voters about much debated issues –– such as covering parents and…
Statement on the Senate Finance Committee Chairman’s SCHIP Proposal
Cindy Mann, executive director of the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, issued the following statement on the release of the Senate Finance Committee chairman’ s proposal to renew the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): The release of the Senate Finance Committee Chairman’s proposal to renew the State Children’s Health Insurance Program sends…
Bush Administration’s New Estimates on Uninsured Children are Inconsistent With the Facts
The Bush administration’s new estimates on the number of uninsured children are inconsistent with the facts, the reality of states grappling to provide coverage to uninsured children, and the need for strong federal action on SCHIP reauthorization. Some nine million children in the United States lack health care coverage, according to commonly-cited, respected sources.…
New Report: States Moving Forward on Child Health Strong SCHIP Reauthorization Critical
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new report by the Georgetown Center for Children and Families (CCF) confirms that state governments are taking strong steps to strengthen and expand children’s health coverage, but quick supportive action by Congress is critical to the success of these efforts. The report, Children’s Health Coverage: States Moving Forward, released by CCF…
Op-Ed: An Immoral Philosophy
When a child is enrolled in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (Schip), the positive results can be dramatic. For example, after asthmatic children are enrolled in Schip, the frequency of their attacks declines on average by 60 percent, and their likelihood of being hospitalized for the condition declines more than 70 percent. Regular care,…
CCF Study Shows Medicaid Has Driven Most of the Gains in Children’s Coverage Over the Past Decade
WASHINGTON—A Center for Children and Families study released today in the March/April issue of Health Affairs shows Medicaid’s central role in reducing the uninsurance rate for children. Between 1997 and 2005, children’s uninsurance rate dropped from 22.3 percent to 14.9 percent. Although SCHIP alone often is cited as the reason for these improvements, new CCF…
Public Supports Strengthening Medicaid, SCHIP
WASHINGTON – President Bush’s fiscal year 2008 budget proposal is out of touch with voters’ priorities for children and families, according to survey results released today by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. As Congress prepares to reauthorize the State Children’s Health Insurance Program this year, the president’s budget misses an important opportunity to…
Reauthorization Presents Opportunity to Strengthen SCHIP
WASHINGTON –- The key issue facing Congress as it prepares to reauthorize the State Children’s Health Insurance Program will be ensuring that the program receives sufficient federal funding to build on SCHIP’s successful track record, Cindy Mann, executive director of the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University, said today at a congressional hearing.…
Leading Child Health Groups Present Key Priorities for SCHIP Reauthorization
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leading child health organizations — the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), March of Dimes, and the National Association of Children’s Hospitals — joined the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families today to release a report that identifies key issues that must be addressed in reauthorizing the State Children’s Health Insurance Program…
Congress Has Tools to Move Forward on Children’s Coverage
WASHINGTON—Building on the success of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and Medicaid, Congress has several tools at its disposal to move further ahead on child health coverage, Lisa Dubay, a research and policy adviser at the Center for Children and Families, said today at a congressional hearing. Read the Full Release
Georgetown Researchers Begin Evaluating Florida’s Medicaid Changes
WASHINGTON—Georgetown University Health Policy Institute researchers Joan Alker and Jack Hoadley released the first in a series of issue briefs evaluating the implementation of Florida’s experimental Medicaid waiver program. Funded primarily by the Jessie Ball DuPont Fund, the evaluation is the only comprehensive examination of the Medicaid pilot program that is funded independently of the…
SCHIP Successfully Covering Children as 10 Year-Anniversary Nears
WASHINGTON—As the 10-year anniversary of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program approaches, Congress will have an opportunity to build on the success that SCHIP, in partnership with Medicaid, has had in decreasing the uninsured rate of lowincome children. “Of all our health care reform efforts, covering children has been resoundingly successful and efficient. Since 1997,…