Press Releases

50-State Analysis Shows Number of Uninsured Children Declined Over Past Two Years

Washington, D.C. – The number of children living in poverty remained high yet the number of uninsured children decreased from 6.4 million in 2009 to 5.5 million in 2011, according to a new report by Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center for Children and Families. This builds on the good news reported for young adult […]

Uninsured Rate Declines

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Uninsured Rate Declines  (Washington, D.C.) – Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families Co-Director Joan Alker issued the following statement in response to the release of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States report: “The U.S. Census data released today underscore the important contribution the […]

CCF Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision to Uphold the Affordable Care Act

Following is a statement by CCF Co-Executive Directors Jocelyn Guyer and Joan Alker on today’s Supreme Court decision. “Today is a good day for America’s children and families. The Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and our nation can now continue to implement the law of the land.   This […]

4.9 Million Uninsured Parents Stand to Gain Medicaid Coverage Under Affordable Care Act

While historic progress has been made in lowering the number of uninsured children in the United States, the number of uninsured parents has soared as fewer employers offered their workers health insurance and strict eligibility limits were in place for adults in need of Medicaid coverage.  The Affordable Care Act will extend cost-effective Medicaid coverage […]

Georgetown University Report Finds Sequestration Replacement Bill Would Undermine Success in Helping Uninsured Kids

WASHINGTON, DC — Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families released an analysis of the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act and its impact on children in need of affordable health care coverage. “The measure would weaken the cost-effective Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program that have worked so successfully to help uninsured children,” said Jocelyn Guyer, […]