Latino Children’s Coverage

Having health insurance is important for children to grow and thrive. Latino children are more likely than other children to be uninsured, but efforts to reduce this coverage disparity by expanding affordable coverage options such as Medicaid, CHIP, and the Affordable Care Act paid off – the rate of uninsured Latino children decreased to historic […]

The Number of Uninsured Children is on the Rise

[Editor’s Note: For the most recent report on children’s health coverage, click here.] Introduction For many years, the nation has been on a positive trajectory reducing the number and rate of uninsured children. Having health insurance is important for children as they are more likely to receive needed services, have better educational outcomes, and their […]

Strategies to Address Alarming Decline in Children’s Health Coverage

In this blog series, CCF Executive Director and Research Professor Joan Alker previews her ninth annual report on children’s health coverage and examines the alarming increase in the number of uninsured children after years of bipartisan success in reducing the child uninsured rate.  Research Professor Tricia Brooks — a policy expert and former state CHIP […]