Research & Reports
How did Children Fare in President’s Budget?
(Ed. Note: Budget season kicked off last week with the release of President Obama’s FY 2012 budget proposal. The document outlines the President’s vision for the future by setting funding priorities. Say Ahhh! asked Bruce Lesley of First Focus to share his thoughts on how children and families fared in the President’s budget.) By Bruce…
Insight from CBPP on Controversial Amendment to CR
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released an analysis of the impact of an amendment to the continuing resolution that would bar the use of funds to implement any aspect of the Affordable Care Act. The amendment is being offered by Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) to the continuing resolution now on the House floor.…
CT Governor Helps Kids by Removing Barrier to CHIP Enrollment
By Sharon Langer, Connecticut Voices for Children Although Connecticut – like most states – is facing unprecedented fiscal challenges, and like other northeast neighboring states, challenging wintry conditions, there is some good health care news for children and families coming from the “State of Steady Habits”. Governor Dannel P. Malloy recently announced that Connecticut will implement presumptive eligibility…
Early Innovators Awarded HHS Health Exchange IT Grants
Drumroll, please! For us techies (or techie-wanna-bes), the waiting is over. And the envelope says…Kansas, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma*, Oregon, Wisconsin and a multi-state consortia consisting of the New England states (sans New Hampshire) are the winners. The awards ranged from a low of $6.3 million for Maryland to a high of $54.6 million for…
Medicaid and CHIP Stability Protections: Consequences of Repeal
In the past few years, Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) coverage for low-income children and families facing job loss, seniors in need of health and long-term care services, and people with disabilities has held remarkably steady. This is because the Recovery Act and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have ensured that states do…
Three Keys to Setting Up Strong Health Insurance Exchanges
By Joe Touschner Even as the media is focusing on the high-profile debate over court challenges to the Affordable Care Act and efforts to repeal and defund it in the House of Representatives, many states continue to move steadily forward with implementation. California was a leader in enacting legislation to create its exchange last year,…
Getting To the Finish Line: Investments in State-Based Advocacy Show Real Returns in Covering Uninsured Children
By Liane Wong and Eugene Lewit, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Even though last week seemed like it was all about the run-up to the Super Bowl, many of us in the nation had another cause to celebrate. February 4, 2011 was the second anniversary of the reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program…
New Fact Sheet Examines the Consequences of Repealing the Medicaid and CHIP Stability Protections
By Martha Heberlein In the past few years, Medicaid and CHIP coverage has held remarkably steady despite the weak economy and significant state budget problems. As a result, it has meant that public programs have been able to offer coverage to low-income children and families facing job loss, help to seniors in need of long-term…
Steeler Nation Wins! (Super Blog-Off)
So what if the “Lombardi” is going home to Green Bay, Steeler Nation fans brought home the first Say Ahhh! Super Blog-Off trophy (naming rights still up for grabs). As loyal Say Ahhher’s know, we sponsored a “friendly” competition between Packer Backers and the Steeler Nation to see which group displayed more enthusiasm for efforts…
Packer SuperBlogger Invokes Lombardi to Show Wisconsin is Leading the Charge for Children’s Health
(In honor of the Super Bowl, Say Ahhh! is hosting a Super Blog-Off to determine whether the Steeler Nation or Packer Backers are doing a better job of Connecting Kids to Coverage. Please read both blogs and vote for your favorite by submitting a comment. Comments must be submitted by kick-off Sunday night. See previous blog for…
Steeler SuperBlogger: ‘No Baby Should Leave the Hospital Without an Insurance Card or a Terrible Towel’
(In honor of the Super Bowl, Say Ahhh! is hosting a Super Blog-Off to determine whether the Steeler Nation or Packer fans are doing a better job of Connecting Kids to Coverage. Please read both blogs and vote for your favorite by submitting a comment. Comments must be submitted by kick-off Sunday night. See previous…
Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Inspires Innovation
By Liz Arjun Two years ago today, President Obama signed into law the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act to help families facing tough times find affordable health coverage for their children. Thanks to the strong resolve of national and state leaders, many of our children have been offered shelter during these turbulent economic times.…
If We’re Going to Use Numbers, Can They At Least Be the Right Ones?
By Martha Heberlein While there have been many arguments related to the stability protections (aka the maintenance-of-effort requirements) that irk me due a skewing of the issues (such as the lack of “flexibility” states have in their Medicaid programs), one in particular has been driving me crazy. We at CCF have long tried to get…
Florida Ruling on ACA Generates Some Surprise and a lot of Confusion
By Jane Perkins, National Health Law Project This past Monday, Florida district judge Roger Vinson issued his decision in one of the most closely watched cases challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). At least 24 such cases have been filed in federal district courts around the country. The Florida case is different…
A Closer Look at the Florida Ruling
(This blog originally appeared on the Health Policy Hub) By Eva Marie Stahl, Community Catalyst Vinson toasts anti-ACA supporters with tea Alas, the Judge Roger Vinson (Florida v. HHS) ruling is here. The Florida-led case remains the media darling of the handful of cases challenging health reform that are rolling through the Federal courts in…
Legal Challenges to ACA – Long Road Ahead
As you’ve probably seen in the news media, there will be a long road ahead in getting a final answer to the legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act. The Obama administration will appeal the ruling (and possibly also request a stay of the ruling) by a Florida judge. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola…
CHIPRA Led Way to More Stable and Accessible Coverage in Ohio
(Editor’s Note: CHIPRA celebrates its second anniversary this week and Say Ahhh! is featuring guest blogs about how the law has impacted children and families in their states. Mary Wachtel of Voices for Ohio’s Children is today’s featured blogger. Ohio was also featured in CCF’s 50-state survey of Medicaid and CHIP eligibility and enrollment released…
With the Right Mix, Children’s Coverage Doesn’t Have to Take a Back Seat
By Julie Silas (Children’s Defense Fund-California) and Mike Odeh (Children Now), with the 100% Campaign While health insurers are pulling child-only plans out of the individual insurance market in a majority of states, California stands as a model in realizing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and envisioning a reformed coverage system where the injustice against children is finally…
CHIPRA Provides More Funds to Help States Pay for Language Services
By Mara Youdelman, National Health Law Program As immigrant communities expand across the United States, many healthcare providers and patients have encountered communication barriers making it difficult for patients to receive proper care. Yet proper communication is as important to healthcare as a stethoscope. You can’t listen to someone’s heart without a stethoscope. How can…
CHIPRA Anniversary Approaching: Let’s Celebrate Successful Outreach
Elizabeth Wood (Editor’s Note: In honor of the upcoming Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act anniversary on Feb. 4, Say Ahhh! is highlighting how CHIPRA has helped connect children with coverage since President Obama signed it into law two years ago. This week, Elizabeth Wood, formerly with the New Jersey Office of the Child Advocate,…