At Risk: Medicaid’s Child-Focused Benefit Structure Known as EPSDT

The federal benefit standard in Medicaid ensures that low-income and vulnerable children receive the health care services they need to grow and thrive. But this standard is at risk. Proposed cuts to Medicaid and CHIP funding could make EPSDT unaffordable to states, and in turn, proposed changes to federal policy, including legislative and administrative action, could potentially […]

Rural Health Report: Medicaid is a Lifeline for Small Towns and Rural Communities

Medicaid is a vital source of health coverage nationwide, but the program’s role is even more pronounced in small towns and rural areas. Medicaid covers a larger share of nonelderly adults and children in rural and small-town areas than in metropolitan areas; this trend is strongest among children. Demographic factors have an impact on this […]

Covering Parents Helps Kids

While historic progress has been made in lowering the number of uninsured children in the United States, the number of uninsured parents – almost 12 million in 2010—has soared as fewer employers offered their workers health insurance and strict eligibility limits were in place for adults in need of Medicaid coverage.  The Affordable Care Act […]