Research & Reports
Moving Backward: Status Report of August 17, 2007 Directive
On August 17, 2007, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a directive, imposing new conditions on states that want to use federal funds to offer affordable coverage to children over 250 percent of the federal poverty level. This issue brief reviews the impact of the new rules on children’s coverage to date, finding…
Stabilizing Medicaid Financing During Economic Downturns
Maintaining Medicaid coverage during downturns in the economic cycle is a significant policy challenge for states. In recessions, states struggle to finance the cost of Medicaid coverage, which increases as people lose jobs and the health coverage that comes with them, becoming eligible for Medicaid. At the same time, state revenues, mirror¬ing the weak economy,…
Moving Forward? Reauthorization of SCHIP
Author: Cindy Mann 2007 Kids Count Conference — Presentation Document October 2007
CHIPRA: Just the Facts, PLEASE
Author: Cindy Mann National Academy for State Health Policy — Presentation Document October 2007
Coverage of Uninsured Children in Moderate-Income Families Under SCHIP
By Jocelyn Guyer To help inform the debate over the 2007 reauthorization of SCHIP, this issue brief provides new data on the extent to which low- to moderate-income children are currently enrolled in SCHIP. It shows that children with family income below 300 percent of the federal poverty level presently comprise 99.5 percent of those…
American Families Face Harsh Reality: 2,000 Children Join the Ranks of Uninsured Each Day
This issue brief provides a portrait of uninsured children in America. It explains that after years of success in providing coverage to more of America’s uninsured children, Census Bureau data show that in 2006 the number of uninsured children increased for the second year in a row. If those trends continue, it is estimated that…
The Growing Health Insurance Affordability Gap for Children and Families
This issue brief presents data showing the role that flexibility in the SCHIP program has played in allowing states to address the growing gap in health insurance affordability among the nation’s children. It focuses on the increasing costs to families of securing health coverage, both in terms of the absolute costs and as a proportion…
Public/Private Coverage in SCHIP Reauthorization: Premium Assistance and Other Issues
Author: Joan Alker American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Federal Government Affairs — Presentation Document September 2007
Summary of The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007
This issue brief provides a summary of the major provisions of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) of 2007 that was approved by Congress in September 2007. As adopted, the bill proposes providing states with $35 billion over five years in new SCHIP and Medicaid funding to cover an additional four million children.…
Moving Backward: New Federally Imposed Limits on States’ Ability to Cover Children
On August 17, 2007, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a SCHIP directive, imposing new conditions on states that want to offer affordable SCHIP coverage to children over 250 percent of the federal poverty level. This issue brief details the policy changes under the directive and the implications they will have on states…
Considerations for Moving Forward
Author: Cindy Mann Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati – Presentation Document August 2007
Summary of the Senate SCHIP Bill: The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007
This issue brief provides a summary of the child health provisions of the SCHIP reauthorization bill that was approved by the U.S. Senate on August 3, 2007. The bill proposes providing states with $35 billion over five years in new SCHIP and Medicaid funding to cover an additional four million children.
Summary of the House SCHIP Bill: Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007
This issue brief provides a summary of the child health provisions of the Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007 that was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on August 1, 2007. The bill proposes providing states with nearly $50 billion over five years in new SCHIP and Medicaid funding to cover an…
States Moving Forward: Will the Federal Government Remain a Partner?
Author:Cindy Mann Capitol Beat — Presentation Document August 2007
Uncertain Access to Needed Drugs: Florida’s Medicaid Reform Creates Challenges for Patients
This issue brief examines the prescription drug benefit available for Medicaid beneficiaries in Broward and Duval counties, the two pilot counties for Florida’s Medicaid reform program that began enrollment in September 2006. The research shows that half of the HMOs participating in the pilot are using the increased flexibility to limit their drug benefit. It…
SCHIP Reauthorization: What’s at Stake for Michigan
Author: Liz Arjun Michigan’s Promise & Voices for Michigan’s Children Training – Presentation Document July 2007
SCHIP Reauthorization: Where We Are and Key Issues
Author: Dawn Horner National Association of Counties — Presentation Document July 2007
Children’s Coverage: Getting to the Finish Line: A View from the States
Author: Cindy Mann California State Legislature — Presentation Document June 2007
SCHIP 101: Learning from 10 Years of Experience
Author: Liz Arjun Tennessee SCHIP Advocates, First Focus Training — Presentation Document June 2007