Arizona to Open Coverage for More Kids

By Martha Heberlein Health coverage may now be an option for almost 22,000 children currently on the waiting list for CHIP (aka KidsCare) in Arizona under an 1115 waiver amendment approved on April 6th by CMS. The state had been negotiating to establish additional funding streams for uncompensated care payments to certain hospitals and Indian health […]

CCF Shares Resource List on Essential Health Benefits

By Joe Touschner If you’re a regular Say Ahhh! reader, you’ve seen a number of posts already on the ongoing process to define the essential health benefits.  Most of those linked to additional supporting documents, like the Bulletin and FAQ released by HHS and the comparison of potential benchmark plans from Maine’s insurance department.  And many more […]

State Budget Woes? Take a Look at Revenues, Not Medicaid

By Martha Heberlein For those regular Say Ahhh! readers, you know we have long harped on accurately depicting the role of Medicaid in state budgets. When new data are released, we update our report or write another blog to try to correct a misrepresentation that Medicaid is solely responsible for state budget woes. Today we are releasing a […]

Why Kids’ Advocates Should Pay Attention to SHOP

By Kathleen Hamilton, The Children’s Partnership One of the first and most interesting questions posed by the California Health Benefit Exchange (HBEX) to its Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) stakeholder work group was “who is the SHOP consumer?” Early discussions clearly revealed a fundamental assumption that the “consumer” in SHOP was the employer.  As […]