UPDATE: Arizona – A KidsCare Band-Aid

By Martha Heberlein We’ve written before about Arizona’s response to the recession–substantial budget cuts and the only enrollment freeze in the nation in its CHIP program, KidsCare. Instituted almost two years ago, there are now 129,000 kids on the waiting list for access to affordable health coverage. A new (but somewhat familiar) proposal has emerged to […]

States Still Recuperating, Outlook is Positive

By Tara Mancini The National Association of State Budget Officers just released their Fall 2011 Fiscal Survey of States.  We have become accustomed to reading about Medicaid as one of the big-ticket items in state spending.  While some detractors have reasoned that increased spending is emblematic of a broken program, NASBO gets it correct by […]

Despite Economic Challenges, Progress Continues: Children’s Health Insurance Coverage in the United States from 2008-2010

In this paper, health insurance data from the Census Bureau’s annual “American Community Survey” was analyzed in order to get a more accurate depiction of children’s coverage. Even though the number of children living in poverty has increased almost 19 percent over a three-year period, the number of children without health insurance declined 14 percent– […]

A Compass for America’s Health Care Navigators

By Suzie Shupe, California Coverage & Health Initiatives The Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health insurance exchange marketplaces offer the promise of connecting millions of uninsured Americans with the health coverage and care they need. And by strengthening Medicaid, millions more will be able to get care. It is an historic opportunity, but also an unprecedented […]

Health Insurance Premium Increases Outpace Wages

Employer-based health insurance costs have increased three times faster than wages since the beginning of the decade. About 62% of those under age 65 live in a state where average health insurance premiums exceed 20% of the median income. In 2010, the average total premium for a family of four was $13,871, an increase of […]