Cuts to Medicaid will Ultimately Hurt Business

By Jim Roche, President, Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire For years, business owners and managers have cited the rising cost of health care and health insurance as their top challenge, after the health of the economy. And for years, the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire has tried to do its part […]

Senator Stands Up for Medicaid

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, Chairman of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care. Amid the larger scuffle on budget-cutting this year, some in Congress are looking for convenient excuses to roll back programs designed to give low-income Americans a hand up in life. Proposed cuts from the House are a direct attack on working Americans – […]

Roadblocks to Coverage for Children: Implications of Procedural Cuts in Medicaid and CHIP

The number of uninsured children reached the lowest level on record in 2008 and 2009. The success in covering children is attributed to expanding eligibility and simplifying application and renewal procedures in Medicaid/CHIP. Stability in the programs is a result of the short-term fiscal relief provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and […]