With the Right Mix, Children’s Coverage Doesn’t Have to Take a Back Seat

By Julie Silas (Children’s Defense Fund-California) and Mike Odeh (Children Now), with the 100% Campaign While health insurers are pulling child-only plans out of the individual insurance market in a majority of states, California stands as a model in realizing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and envisioning a reformed coverage system where the injustice against children is finally […]

CHIPRA Provides More Funds to Help States Pay for Language Services

By Mara Youdelman, National Health Law Program As immigrant communities expand across the United States, many healthcare providers and patients have encountered communication barriers making it difficult for patients to receive proper care.  Yet proper communication is as important to healthcare as a stethoscope.  You can’t listen to someone’s heart without a stethoscope.  How can […]

CHIPRA Anniversary Approaching: Let’s Celebrate Successful Outreach

Elizabeth Wood (Editor’s Note: In honor of the upcoming Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act anniversary on Feb. 4, Say Ahhh! is highlighting how CHIPRA has helped connect children with coverage since President Obama signed it into law two years ago.  This week, Elizabeth Wood, formerly with the New Jersey Office of the Child Advocate, […]

IOM Works to Define Process for Essential Health Benefits

By Joe Touschner Even as the House of Representatives takes time to re-debate the Affordable Care Act, many organizations are hard at work implementing the new law. Last week, an Institute of Medicine panel held a two day meeting to help develop recommendations on essential health benefits that will form the basis for state-based exchange […]

Florida’s Proposed Medicaid Long-Term Care Changes Raise Host of Questions About Impact

Florida’s 2011 Managed Care Legislation, HB 7107, established “Medicaid Managed Care,” a new statewide managed care program for all covered services. Two separate components are anticipated for the new program: the Florida Long-Term Care Managed Care program, slated for implementation first, and the Florida Managed Medical Assistance program, an expansion of the Medicaid pilot program […]

John Bouman Supports IL Revenue Package

During a lame duck session, the Illinois General Assembly approved a temporary increase in the state income tax along with a series of spending restrictions designed to bring financial stability to the state. The passage of the revenue package is the culmination of the efforts of the Responsible Budget Coalition, an unprecedented coalition of anti-poverty, […]