Opportunity Now to Engage on Establishing a State Exchange

By Liz Arjun Last week I was at a meeting where we were joined by Joel Ario, the HHS official who is overseeing implementation of the new Health Insurance Exchanges, the vehicle that is expected to provide coverage  for close to 30 million Americans in 2014.  We had a chance to ask him questions and […]

Experts Opine on the Future of Medicaid

By Joe Touschner The New York Times’ “Room for Debate” feature recently addressed a topic near and dear to those of us concerned with the health of low-income children and families:  the future of Medicaid.  Six participants from across the ideological spectrum weighed in on how the nation should address the challenges faced by this […]

Congress Acts to Change ACA Subsidy Structure

By Joe Touschner We’re less than a year beyond the passage of the Affordable Care Act and still three full years from the implementation of state exchanges and their federal premium subsidies.  But already Congress has decided to make some significant changes to how the premium tax credits would work and, in the process, could […]

New Transparency Standards Set for Mini-Meds

Yesterday, CCF’s guest blogger Aaron Smith of Young Invincibles wrote about some of the problems with so-called “mini-meds” or limited benefit plans. These are products that can’t even be called “insurance” because they provide so little protection to patients – some of them have limits on what they’ll cover as low as $2000 per year. Unfortunately, for millions […]

Young Adult’s Perspective on the Problem with Mini-Meds

Editor’s Note: Aaron Smith, co-founder of the Young Invincibles, brings a fresh perspective to the old issue of mini-med plans.  He testified before a Senate Committee on this topic last week so we asked him to share his views with our readers. By Aaron Smith, co-founder of Young Invincibles There has been a great deal […]