States Can Reap Significant Savings By Implementing ACA

A new report by the Urban Institute and funded by First Focus finds that states could in fact, save significant dollars by successfully implementing health reform.  This new report stands in stark contrast to other recent reports that states will bear significant costs to implement health reform.  These potential cost-savings couldn’t be more welcome news […]

GAO Finds Medicaid & CHIP Dental Care Slowly Improving

By Meg Booth and Colin Reusch, Children’s Dental Health Project It’s been almost four years since the tragedy of Deamonte Driver, a twelve-year-old Maryland boy who died due to complications of an untreated abscessed tooth. His death highlighted the worst case scenario for families struggling to find dental care. Those of you who know Children’s […]

Self Assessment Toolkit Can Help States Improve Medicaid and CHIP

There is little debate that simplifying and streamlining the application and renewal process makes it easier for both eligibility workers and families applying for coverage. But there’s nothing simple or streamlined about re-engineering the business processes and systems that are used to administer Medicaid and CHIP, so it’s easier to tread water than dive in. Despite […]

Americans Want Health Care Reform to Go Forward

 (Cross-posted from the Huffington Post and Step Forward blogs) By John Bouman, President, Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law Some people are spinning hard about the outcome of the recent mid-term elections. They are trying to say that the changes in Congress were a “mandate” to repeal health care reform. As usual, most of those spinners […]