Benefits & Services

What’s the Score? CBO’s Updated Baseline Released

By Martha Heberlein I don’t know what you did yesterday, but I spent the day eagerly awaiting CBO’s annual March baseline. As the “official scorekeepers” in Washington, their projections of spending and enrollment in Medicaid, CHIP, and coverage under the exchanges carry a lot of weight. Besides, who wouldn’t love the neat little tables they produce […]

Is Your State Reviewing Potential EHB Benchmarks?

By Joe Touschner HHS’s essential health benefits bulletin is less than two months old–in fact, the comment period just closed this week, click here for our comment letter–but some states are already planning for what it could mean for their residents. The Bulletin indicates that states will be able to choose the core of their […]

HHS Shares Info on Small Group Plans

By Joe Touschner It’s a busy month on the essential health benefits front!  As we’ve noted, one option for states under the proposed approach for state-defined EHB packages is to use one of the state’s three largest small group plans as a benchmark.  It’s been difficult to evaluate this proposal because we didn’t know which […]

NASHP and Children’s Dental Health Project Issue Report

By Leigha Basini, National Academy for State Health Policy The new year brings many new things: new discussions about CCIIO’s newly released Essential Health Benefits (EHB) Bulletin and benefit provisions in the seemingly still new Affordable Care Act.  But state CHIP directors may also be thinking about a slightly older benefit provision–the CHIPRA dental mandate.  NASHP, […]

Essential Health Benefits: A Child’s Perspective

As soon as rumors started flying about what would be in the essential health benefits guidelines I thought hmmmm that sounds a lot like CHIP. At first blush the new guidance does sound like the CHIP model – indeed the guidance says as much (p. 8). But as HHS officials and others have pointed out, […]