Eligibility & Enrollment

Latino Children’s Coverage Reaches Historic High, But Too Many Remain Uninsured

Recently released data from the U.S. Census Bureau examining health insurance coverage rates in 2015 found that, during the 2013-2015 period, the U.S. experienced the largest two-year decline in uninsurance rates for all children on record. The uninsurance rate for all children declined from 7.1 percent in 2013 to 4.8 percent in 2015. During the […]

Rhode Island: Working to Improve Access to Oral Health Care for Children through RIte Smiles and TeethFirst!

By Katherine Chu and Jim Beasley, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Oral health is a critical but overlooked component of overall health and well-being among children and adults. Poor oral health has immediate and significant negative impacts on children’s general health, school attendance and academic achievement. Untreated dental disease can lead to eating, sleeping, speaking and learning […]

School-Based Outreach for Health Coverage Enrollment: New Guide Highlights Successful Strategies

By Shelby Gonzalez, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Across the country, children are stocking up on school supplies and teachers are preparing their classrooms and lesson plans. In addition to these traditional back-to-school activities, many school administrators and outreach groups are gearing up to raise awareness about the importance of health insurance and help […]

CMS Approves Arizona Plan to Re-Open CHIP (KidsCare)

Today, Arizona “officially” joined the rest of the country as CMS approved its plan to re-open its CHIP plan.  As Say Ahhh! readers know, new enrollment in Arizona’s CHIP plan (KidsCare) was frozen for several years. Now children living in all 50 states and DC will have the opportunity to sign up for CHIP coverage. […]