Eligibility & Enrollment

Improving Health Care Access for American Indians and Alaska Natives

by Jesse Cross-Call, originally posted on cbpp.org An updated policy for how the federal government helps finance the costs of Medicaid services for American Indians and Alaska Natives will improve the delivery of care and save states money. Medicaid plays a critical role in providing health care to American Indians and Alaska Natives; a quarter […]

Research Shows that Utah and Florida’s “ICHIA Option” Will Improve Access to Health Coverage and Services For Lawfully Residing Immigrant Children

Last week, both the Utah and Florida legislatures passed laws that extend Medicaid and CHIP coverage to lawfully residing children who would otherwise have had to wait five years before becoming eligible to enroll. This is a big victory in two states with some of the highest child uninsurance rates in the country. Related Content […]

Oklahoma’s Proposed Medicaid Cut Won’t Pass Federal Muster

by Jesse Cross-Call, originally posted on cbpp.org Oklahoma’s Senate is considering legislation, which its House passed last week, to end Medicaid coverage for 110,000 very low-income parents.  But even if Oklahoma enacts the legislation, federal officials almost certainly won’t grant the needed federal approval to move forward. By federal law, states must provide Medicaid coverage […]

FAQ: Health Marketplace Tax Penalties, Exemptions, Reconciliation, and Special Enrollment Periods

By  Tricia Brooks, Sandy Ahn, Sabrina Corlette, and JoAnn Volk, this was originally posted March 9, 2015 under the title “Confused about What Happens at Tax Time? FAQs on Penalties, Exemptions, Reconciliation, and SEPs“. As part of our Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded work in providing technical assistance to consumer assisters in five states, we […]

Some Tax Guidance for People in Immigrant Families

Now that we are knee-deep in tax season, we have heard reports of confusion about new tax filing rules related to health coverage for people in immigrant families. Here are some of the common questions we’ve heard so far and our answers. Related Content: ICHIA Fact Sheet: CHIP and Health Coverage for Lawfully Residing Children […]