Eligibility & Enrollment

Congress and States Work to Extend ACA’s Medicaid Primary Care Bump

By Sophia Duong A hot topic recently has been the extension of the Medicaid payment rate increases for primary care services. The ACA required states to reimburse primary care physicians who treat Medicaid beneficiaries at the higher Medicare rate for 2013 and 2014. The rate bump has garnered large support from physicians and hospitals, and […]

Medicaid’s Role in Improving Early Childhood Outcomes

Today, more than 27 million children are covered through Medicaid and CHIP. For the youngest children, Medicaid plays a critical role: More than 45 percent of children under age six are publicly insured. Nearly one in five Medicaid beneficiaries in the U.S. nationwide is a child under age six. Medicaid’s requirement that children receive strong, […]

No Welcome Mat for Kids in Wisconsin

By Jon Peacock, Wisconsin Council on Children and Families Advocates Seek DHS Help in Understanding What’s Causing a BadgerCare Decline The BadgerCare changes that Wisconsin put into effect this year have had a surprising and worrisome effect.  Over the last 9 months, the total number of children in BadgerCare and Transitional Medicaid has been falling, at a […]