Eligibility & Enrollment

CMS Reports Medicaid Enrollment Gains of 3 Million (and counting)

After hearing that more than 7 million people were enrolled through the marketplaces before the close of open enrollment on March 31st, we’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of companion Medicaid and CHIP enrollment data. The wait is over! CMS has released monthly eligibility and enrollment activity data since October 2013, but the hot-off-the-press February […]

Two States On the Path to the Basic Health Program

Both Minnesota and New York are on the path to setting up a Basic Health Program (BHP) that will provide more affordable coverage for low-income families than they may find on the marketplace.  Minnesota passed BHP legislation that was signed into law in May 2013.  In New York, BHP was included in the Governor’s budget […]

Two Takeaways from New Hampshire and Michigan Medicaid Expansions

By Jesse Cross-Call, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities New Hampshire’s legislature has passed and Governor Maggie Hassan has signed into law legislation that will expand Medicaid as part of health reform effective July 1.  This means that combined with Michigan, where expansion takes effect tomorrow, an additional 600,000 uninsured people will be newly eligible for […]