

Medicaid Cap: A Bad Deal that Gets Worse Over Time

As we’ve explained, the Senate Leadership bill to “repeal and replace” the ACA includes a cap on federal Medicaid payments to states with two budget dials: a limit on annual growth and a separate reduction for states that spend more on their Medicaid beneficiaries.  These dials are designed to lower federal spending, and it turns […]

Doubling Down on Dialing Down on Children

Last Thursday, the Senate Leadership released a draft bill to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. The draft is even worse for the 37 million children that Medicaid covers and the providers who serve them than the bill that narrowly passed the House. Not only would the draft dial down the federal payments to […]

Five Myths about the Medicaid Cap

The White House and the House Leadership are hoping to bring a bill to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to the House floor for a vote this week. The bill contains a new section allowing states to waive ACA consumer protections relating to health insurance.  It also contains the same cap on […]