

How Cuts to Safety Net Hospitals Impact the Uninsured in a State that Rejected Medicaid Expansion Funding

by Miriam Harmatz, Florida Legal Services Much has been written—from blogs to briefs—documenting the tremendous positive impacts of Medicaid expansion. Less well-documented are the negative impacts that flow from rejecting expansion. Obviously, non-expansion states fail to reap the profound benefits of expansion. But they are not just failing to move forward with the expansion’s huge […]

Measuring and Improving Health Care Quality for Children in Medicaid and CHIP: A Primer for Child Health Stakeholders

A large body of evidence shows that, compared to low-income uninsured children, Medicaid has been highly successful in providing children with a usual source of care and regular well-child care while significantly reducing unmet or delayed needs for medical care, dental care, and prescription drugs due to costs. Nonetheless, quality improvement centers on the notion […]

Oklahoma’s Proposed Medicaid Cut Won’t Pass Federal Muster

by Jesse Cross-Call, originally posted on Oklahoma’s Senate is considering legislation, which its House passed last week, to end Medicaid coverage for 110,000 very low-income parents.  But even if Oklahoma enacts the legislation, federal officials almost certainly won’t grant the needed federal approval to move forward. By federal law, states must provide Medicaid coverage […]

CMS Releases State-by-State Designations of Whether Certain Medicaid Categories Meet Minimum Essential Coverage Standards

The long-awaited assessment of whether certain Medicaid coverage categories meet minimum essential coverage (MEC) standards is out. Why is this important? This list serves two purposes: Individuals eligible for non-MEC Medicaid can qualify for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions. Individuals with non-MEC Medicaid coverage know whether they need to secure MEC to avoid the […]