

States Still Recuperating, Outlook is Positive

By Tara Mancini The National Association of State Budget Officers just released their Fall 2011 Fiscal Survey of States.  We have become accustomed to reading about Medicaid as one of the big-ticket items in state spending.  While some detractors have reasoned that increased spending is emblematic of a broken program, NASBO gets it correct by […]

Medicaid & CHIP Bring Uninsured Rate for Children Down 14%

Even as unemployment and child poverty has grown, the uninsured rate for children has decreased by 14% nationwide, according to the report we just released today at back-to-back Capitol Hill briefings.  It was great to share this good news at House and Senate briefings with overflowing crowds.  The briefings were sponsored by the “Children’s Health […]

An Honest Look at State Budgets After ARRA Expires

By Tara Mancini Yesterday, three timely releases  from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured show that state budgets are beginning to turn around.  The 11th annual 50-state survey of Medicaid budgets, coupled with an updated brief on state budgets in recession and recovery, and another on Medicaid provisions in ARRA (the stimulus bill) […]

Clock is Ticking for Super Committee

Today marks the deadline for Congressional standing committees to submit recommendations for spending cuts or revenue increases to the Super Committee (officially known as the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction).  The clock is ticking as the Super Committee races (often behind closed doors) to meet its November 23rd deadline to report out a bill […]

Together, Let’s #PutKids1st

By: O. Marion Burton, MD, FAAP, President, American Academy of Pediatrics The Budget Control Act of 2011 (Public Law 112-25), passed by Congress in August to raise the national $14.3 debt ceiling through 2012, called for the establishment of a 12-member, bipartisan Congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (JSC) to address the country’s long-term […]