

We Owe our Children More than a Fiscally Sound Nation

By Bruce Lesley, First Focus As the 12 members of the Congressional Super Committee begin their work, it’s important to remember that in this country, we don’t kick people when they’re down, particularly children.  Millions of American children face the daily possibility that they won’t have enough food to eat or the supplies needed for […]

President Obama Unveils Deficit Reduction Plan

Yesterday, President Obama unveiled “Living Within Our Means and Investing in the Future”, a detailed plan that includes $3 trillion in net deficit reduction over ten years.   In general, the President’s plan is a balanced and fair approach to deficit reduction.  In releasing the package, he sent a stern warning to Congress that he would […]

Support for Medicaid Growing

The Super Committee met in private today so it’s anybody’s guess as to what they discussed.  I sure hope the committee members had a chance to read the latest Bloomberg National poll before the meeting.  The poll found that Medicaid is the least popular option for deficit reduction. Members of the Super Committee have to […]

Census Data Provide Disturbing Snapshot of Economy’s Toll on Children and Families

Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families Co-Director Joan Alker issued the following statement in response to the release of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States (2010) report:          “The census data released today provided a very disturbing snapshot of the economic […]

Super Committee Holds First Meeting

While it seems like only yesterday that we all endured the debt-ceiling debate, it is already time to focus on the next major threat facing Medicaid.  Today the “super committee”, which was created by the debt-ceiling deal, held its first meeting.  The committee is charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in deficit savings through […]

We’re Stronger Together

Hurricane Irene served as a stark reminder of how much families, communities and states rely upon a strong federal government to help them in their time of need. * Without NOAA’s National Hurricane Center, how would families, businesses and communities be able to plan and prepare for the hurricane? * Without FEMA, where would people […]