

Once Again, a Look at the State Budget Facts

By Martha Heberlein It seems that every time the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) releases a new report on the state of state budgets, another blog or paper is written to correct a misrepresentation of Medicaid’s role. Now, this is certainly not meant to be disparaging against NASBO – their reports are a […]

Capping Federal Spending Imperils Success on Kids Health

By Joe Touschner Some think that a good way to address federal deficits is to establish a cap on federal spending.  A cap is needed, they say, to preserve the prosperity of future generations (i.e. today’s children).  And a cap sounds like a simple and effective way to address the nation’s deficit.  While politicians seem […]

Out of the Shadows: Exchange/Medicaid IT 2.0 Guidance Says No Need for Duplicate Eligibility Systems

In this week’s release of the Exchange/Medicaid IT 2.0 guidance, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) firmly squashed speculation that states will need to operate a “shadow eligibility system” for determining who is newly eligible for Medicaid and therefore qualifies for 100% federal funding. Future federal rulemaking is expected to propose other methods […]

Medicaid is the MVP of Children’s Health

By Jocelyn Guyer As I try to wrap my mind around the suggestion that CHIP’s success is a reason to convert Medicaid to a capped block grant, I wonder whether these guys have ever watched soccer or any team sport for that matter.  Maybe I spent a little too much time on the soccer sidelines […]