

Medicaid for Minnesotans Means a Happy New Year

Christina Wessel, Minnesota Budget ProjectDeputy Director Minnesotans have great cause for celebrating in the New Year. This Wednesday, Minnesota’s new governor, Mark Dayton, will take immediate action to help some of the state’s most vulnerable residents access health care. The move will take advantage of a provision in the Affordable Care Act which allows Minnesota […]

Experts Opine on the Future of Medicaid

By Joe Touschner The New York Times’ “Room for Debate” feature recently addressed a topic near and dear to those of us concerned with the health of low-income children and families:  the future of Medicaid.  Six participants from across the ideological spectrum weighed in on how the nation should address the challenges faced by this […]

CMS Releases Guidance on the Extension of Enhanced FMAP Funding

By Martha Heberlein On August 10th, President Obama signed an extension of the state fiscal relief first authorized under ARRA. Under the extension, states will continue to receive a phased-out increase in their federal Medicaid matching rate through June of 2011, as opposed to it expiring at the end of this year. CMS released guidance […]

Extension of Medicaid Relief Clears Last Hurdle in Congress

By Joe Touschner We’ve been following for some time the inconsistent progress of legislation that would extend increased federal Medicaid payments to states.  While versions of the legislation have previously passed both houses of Congress, the two chambers had not succeeded in making the extension law by agreeing to the same bill.  Today, they have, […]

States will Face Tough Choices Without Extended Medicaid Funding

By Joe Touschner As we’ve noted previously Congress has yet to reach agreement on extending the increased Medicaid funding it originally granted in the 2009 economic recovery legislation.  The increased payments are scheduled to end in December 2010, but most state budgets are looking no better than they were a year and a half ago.  […]