Future of Kids

Future of Kids

Are Children Receiving the Full Protection of Medicaid’s Pediatric Benefit Package?

Medicaid covers over 30 million children, or about 40 percent of all children. Medicaid covers disproportionately large shares of low-income children, children of color, and children with special health care needs. Medicaid law and policy necessarily impact children, oftentimes children who would be uninsured or underinsured without it. Children with Medicaid coverage are entitled to […]

CHIP has Proven Its Worth, It’s Time to Modernize it and Make it a Permanent Part of Children’s Health Coverage

Since its inception in 1997, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has established itself as a critical piece of the federal/state response to children’s health care needs and the historic reduction in children’s uninsured rates (which sadly started going in the wrong direction during the Trump Administration). In addition to covering over 6 million children […]

Future of Children’s Health Coverage: Next Steps for CHIP

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has established itself as a critical piece of the federal/state response to children’s health care needs. In addition to covering over 6 million children directly, CHIP has spurred outreach and enrollment simplification efforts that have resulted in more eligible children receiving Medicaid. Though children enrolled in separate CHIP programs […]