An Advocate’s Guide to Medicaid Managed Care Procurement

2022 is a big year for Medicaid managed care procurements.  Procurements are already underway in California, Iowa, and Nebraska with awards scheduled to be announced in August. New Mexico is scheduled to launch its procurement in September, and three more states — Florida, Georgia, and Texas — are expected to issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs) […]

A Guide for Health Care Advocates: Medicaid Managed Care Procurement

Overview Most Medicaid beneficiaries in most states are enrolled in managed care organizations (MCOs). (See text box, “What’s a Medicaid MCO?”) State Medicaid agencies contract with MCOs to assemble networks of health care providers to furnish services to program beneficiaries and protect them from medical debt. Simply put, if an MCO does not do its job, […]

Take the Child Health Dashboard Tour

Since we debuted the Dashboard Library, we’ve been keeping our eyes on state Medicaid agency websites and are pleased to announce that we’ve discovered quite a few more. The dashboards we’ve added to the list vary widely in content and presentation style, ranging from slides to interactive workbooks. Unfortunately, none of the dashboards that we […]

Show Me the Data: A Medicaid Dashboard for Missouri

We are pleased to announce the most recent addition to our library of Medicaid dashboards: Missouri. One of the most important functions of easily accessible and digestible data (like a dashboard) is the increased transparency that it offers both Medicaid beneficiaries and advocates. This is especially significant when it comes to holding Managed Care Organizations […]

Standards for Provider Network Adequacy in Medicaid and the Marketplaces

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued final rules for provider network adequacy in Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) offering coverage in the Marketplaces that the federal government operates through Under these rules, which come with the snappy title, “Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters” and the even snappier initialism (NBPP), CMS […]