New Unwinding Resources and our “Unwinding Wednesday” Blog Series Kickoff

Today, CCF posted new resources relating to the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection after the public health emergency (PHE) ends. We’re also kicking off our “Unwinding Wednesday” blog series, which will focus on planning, implementation, and monitoring of the unwinding. Tips and Best Practices Updated In August 2021, we released our Unwinding Tips […]

An Estimated 3.8 Million Eligible Children Could Lose Medicaid Due to Administrative Churn During the Unwinding

The Office of the HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released new projections of the number of people likely to lose Medicaid after the COVID-related continuous coverage protection is lifted at the end of the public health emergency (PHE). Similar to other analyses, ASPE estimates that about 15 million people, including 5.3 million […]

CMS Spotlights State Strategies for Protecting Continuity of Health Coverage when PHE Lifts

As planning for the eventual unwinding of the COVID-19 related Medicaid continuous coverage protection continues, CMS has made significant efforts to provide additional tools and flexibilities to smooth the process for states and promote continuity of coverage. One such effort is allowing states to request time-limited waivers, authorized under Section 1902(e)(14)(A), to assist Medicaid agencies […]

Federal Fiscal Relief Funding Offset More than Twice the Cost to States to Maintain Medicaid Continuous Coverage

A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) estimates the COVID-related increase in federal Medicaid and CHIP funding will exceed the cost of maintaining continuous coverage for Medicaid enrollees as required under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The analysis estimates that between January 2020 and September 2022, states will receive approximately $100.4 billion […]