More Evidence that Medicaid Expansion Improves the Lives of Low-Income Parents
As we have talked about in a number of papers, Medicaid expansion is good for parents and children. Thanks to the “welcome mat” effect, states choosing to expand Medicaid coverage to parents also help reduce the number of uninsured children. A new study in Health Services Research, Medicaid Expansions from 1997 to 2009 Increased Coverage…
Administration’s Budget Proposal Would Make Medicaid Expansion an Even Better Deal for Wisconsin and Other States
By Jon Peacock and Sashi Gregory, Wisconsin Council on Children and Families The proposed budget released this week by President Obama would make the expansion of Medicaid an even better deal for states like Wisconsin that have not yet taken up the option. If Wisconsin expanded BadgerCare (Wisconsin’s Medicaid program) eligibility in January 2017, the…
A Wrap up of 2015 Medicaid Expansion Waivers: Montana And Michigan
By Sean Miskell and Joan Alker Although we have been closely following Medicaid expansion waivers, we have neglected heretofore to blog about two “M” states that received waiver approval in the last few months of 2015. Montana received approval on November 2, 2015 to start its new coverage on January 1, 2016, and Michigan received…
Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, Renewal, and Cost-Sharing Policies as of January 2016: Findings from a 50-State Survey
Executive Summary January 2016 marks the end of the second full year of implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) key coverage provisions. This 14th annual 50-state survey of Medicaid and CHIP eligibility, enrollment, renewal, and cost-sharing policies provides a point-in-time snapshot of policies as of January 2016 and identifies changes in policies that occurred…
Many Working Parents and Families in Virginia Would Benefit from Medicaid Coverage
Virginia is one of the 20 states that has elected not to accept federal funding under the ACA to extend Medicaid coverage to parents and other low-income adults. Consequently, parents in Virginia are not eligible for Medicaid or premium tax credits if their incomes exceed approximately 45 percent of the poverty line (45 percent of poverty is…
Senate reconciliation bill repeals key children’s health provisions
So despite a bipartisan CHIP extension earlier this year, it appears that children’s coverage is not as popular as we may have thought. In fact, if the reconciliation bill as passed becomes law there is a good reason to believe that millions of children would become uninsured; almost assuredly the historic and steady reductions in the…
Medicaid Premium Assistance Programs: What Information is Available About Benefit and Cost-Sharing Wrap-Around Coverage?
States have long used Medicaid funds as premium assistance to purchase private health insurance for beneficiaries as an alternative to providing coverage directly through the state Medicaid program. States using premium assistance generally must provide wrap-around benefits and cost-sharing protections so that Medicaid beneficiaries receiving private coverage will not have access to fewer benefits or…
Arkansas and Arizona Drive in Different Directions on Medicaid Transportation Benefit
By Sean Miskell Most observers expect that remaining states that have not yet expanded Medicaid are likely to seek changes to the program via waivers as they move forward on expansion. A few states that have already expanded Medicaid are also seeking to make changes through waivers. But these changes are not always for the…
Comments Submitted On Texas Medicaid Waiver
Georgetown CCF, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and seven other national organizations submitted a letter to CMS for public comment on Texas’ proposal to extend its Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration project, the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program. The full comments that were submitted November 16, 2015 can be found here –…
Medicaid Expansion Would Help More Latino Families Succeed
By Steven Lopez, National Council of La Raza Latinos are the most uninsured population in the country. As the largest civil rights and advocacy organization in the nation, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) works to improve the lives of Hispanic Americans, no matter who they are, where they live, or how much they…
While NC’s Governor Reverses Course on Medicaid Expansion, Some Conservative State Executives Move Ahead
In this excerpt of an interview late last week with WRAL-TV anchor David Crabtree, NC Governor Pat McCrory, when asked about Medicaid, said that expansion would now have to wait at least three years for health reforms to take place in the state. McCrory also highlighted an Oval Office meeting he and several other Governors had…
Medicaid Expansion: Important Factor in Declining Uninsurance Rates for Children
Our report released last week (Children’s Health Insurance Rates in 2014: ACA Results in Significant Improvements) contained good news for people who share the belief that no child should ever be uninsured in our country – the national child uninsurance rate is now at a historic low of 6 percent. Kids haven’t quite caught up…
Arkansas Health Care Reform Task Force Considers Changes to Medicaid Private Option
By Marquita Little, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families Consultants for the Arkansas Health Care Reform Task Force released a new report recommending the Private Option become a transitional or temporary program focused on “moving people upward” to opportunities. This is on the heels of an earlier report noting the Private Option will save the…
Taking it to the streets: New ways to get uninsured kids enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP
by Sheila Hoag, Senior Researcher, and Debra Lipson, Senior Fellow, Mathematica Policy Research Traditionally, state and local Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) staff have conducted outreach to uninsured children eligible to help enroll them into these public coverage options. Advocates have also organized public education campaigns and enrollment events. Despite dramatic progress in…
Cancer Patient: Medicaid Expansion Could Help Save Lives Like Mine in South Dakota
Ida Sievers of Renner, South Dakota, describes in this KELO TV (keloland.com) story how she avoided going to the doctor despite feeling awful for almost two years because she lacked health coverage—then when she finally went it turned out she had untreated leukemia. Dr. Rich Wender, the Chief Cancer Control Officer of the American Cancer…
More People Have Health Coverage in Every State Thanks to ACA; Yet Some of the Poorest are Being Left Behind
by Suzanne Wikle, Projector Director, Advancing Strategies for Aligning Programs, CLASP When President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, advocates hailed it as the most important health legislation since the creation of Medicaid and Medicare in 1965 — and one of the most important anti-poverty laws in decades as well. The monumental…
Arkansas’s Health Care Reform Forum: Medicaid Expansion and the Private Option
How has the Affordable Care Act and health care reform directly affected consumers and access to health care? How does Medicaid expansion relate to the broader health reform effort? How has Arkansas’s Private Option affected the state’s health care system? What makes a premium assistance model appealing for health care Arkansas and other states? These…
Many working parents in Georgia would benefit from closing health coverage gap
by Cindy Zeldin, Executive Director, Georgians for a Healthy Future It’s often assumed that if you have a job, you have health insurance. That’s not the case for many working families in Georgia, though, because our state leaders haven’t accepted the federal funding set aside for us to extend cost-effective Medicaid coverage to more uninsured…
Many Working Parents and Families in Georgia Would Benefit from Extending Medicaid Coverage
Georgia is one of the 19 states that have elected not to accept federal funding under the ACA to extend Medicaid coverage to parents and other low-income adults and is not actively considering plans for coverage. Consequently, parents in Georgia are not eligible for Medicaid or premium tax credits if their incomes exceed 39 percent of…
Michigan’s Medicaid Waiver Amendment: A Costly & Misguided Solution in Search of a Problem
Today, on September 1st, the state of Michigan submitted an amendment to its Section 1115 Medicaid expansion waiver to comply with a deadline established by state law (PA 107 passed in 2013). The same state statute specifies that if the changes described in the amendment are not approved by December 31, 2015 that the expansion…