Kansas and Mississippi Medicaid Waivers Race to the Bottom: Most Vulnerable Families Targeted by Harmful Proposal

Medicaid is a critical part of health insurance coverage in the US, covering millions of children and their parents, seniors and individuals with disabilities.  More than half of states have taken the Affordable Care Act option to expand Medicaid coverage to more low-income parents and childless adults. But some states are trying to move in […]

Maine Voters Voice Strong Support for Medicaid Expansion

Seema Verma, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, recently criticized the Medicaid program’s expansion under the Affordable Care Act in sharp terms: “We’ve put more than 10 million people, 12 million people into this program where the doctors won’t see them, and the policies that are in the Medicaid program are […]

Work Requirements in Medicaid Would Add More Red-Tape and Barriers to Health Coverage

Having failed to cut Medicaid through legislation, the Trump Administration is moving forward with administrative actions that would permit states to impose roadblocks to enrollment. We anticipate that the administration may soon grant waivers that would for the first time allow work requirements in Medicaid, modeled off of similar federal provisions in Temporary Assistance for […]

Medicaid’s “Welcome Mat” Effect Means Medicaid Expansion Helps Children Get Health Coverage

New research in the journal Health Affairs this month gives even more evidence for a parental “welcome mat” effect that increases health coverage among children already eligible for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program when their parents become eligible as well.  Simply put, moving to “whole family coverage” through a state Medicaid expansion or […]