Medicaid Expansion Round 2: From Simplicity to Complexity

As a practical matter, I think accepting 100% federal funding to extend Medicaid coverage to adults and getting that coverage up and running is easier than setting up a state-based marketplace, implementing the new insurance reforms and tax credits etc etc. States obviously already have Medicaid programs up and running – in many cases with […]

Insure Oklahoma Extension Paves Way for Longer Term Solution

By David Blatt, Oklahoma Policy Institute Last Friday, Oklahoma received formal word that the federal government has agreed to extend Insure Oklahoma, the state’s publicly-funded premium assistance health insurance program, until the end of 2014, subject to certain program changes. This one-year extension means that individuals and businesses that participate in the program will not […]

Wisconsin Provides A Reality Check about What Low-Income Families Can Afford to Pay for Medicaid

States that have not yet decided to expand Medicaid to low income adults and parents are considering their options, and some are hoping to experiment with charging monthly premiums.  New data from Wisconsin provides a helpful reality check.  Slightly more than two-fifths of the lowest income adults paying premiums—who did not exit BadgerCare or Transitional […]

CMS Issues Final Rule on New Premium Assistance Option

As my diligent colleague Tricia Brooks reported, CMS issued an important final rule on July 5th  that we have been expecting for some time. While the rule did not finalize a number of issues, it did include slightly revised rules for states interested in pursuing premium assistance in the individual market – sort of a hot […]