CMS Issues Final Rule on New Premium Assistance Option

As my diligent colleague Tricia Brooks reported, CMS issued an important final rule on July 5th  that we have been expecting for some time. While the rule did not finalize a number of issues, it did include slightly revised rules for states interested in pursuing premium assistance in the individual market – sort of a hot […]

Florida’s Medicaid Managed Care Waiver Receives Final Approval: Some Strong Consumer Protections Included, Oversight Will Be Critical

So it may seem like this already happened but today CMS issued the final documents approving Florida’s request to move almost its entire Medicaid program into managed care.  The state needed demonstration waiver approval for some (e.g. children on SSI, in foster care, dual-eligibles, etc) but not all of the populations it is seeking to move into […]

Red Flags Raised on Indiana Waiver Proposal

A group of influential national organizations, including Georgetown CCF, submitted a letter today to Secretary Sebelius expressing concerns about some features of the pending Section 1115 Medicaid Demonstration request from the state of Indiana.  The letter is available here. The Section 1115 waiver request focuses on using Healthy Indiana as a vehicle for the state’s […]