Waiving Hello to State Innovation?

By Joe Touschner In a continued push to show that states have flexibility under the Affordable Care Act, the Departments of Health and Human Services and the Treasury this week proposed rules for states to apply for innovation waivers under section 1332 of the ACA.  Under current law, states could negotiate a waiver of ACA […]

What did the President Just Say??

On Monday, while addressing the nation’s Governors, President Obama endorsed bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Wyden, Brown and Landrieu that moves up the date that states can apply for so-called “State Innovation Waivers” from 2017 to 2014. Waivers come in many shapes and sizes and can be quite confusing. (Just watch Members of the House […]

Arizona Waiver Situation Not Applicable to Other States

Governors from states considering balancing their budgets on the backs of their most vulnerable residents should not read too much into Secretary Sebelius’ letter to Governor Jan Brewer this week.  HHS Secretary Sebelius did not waive the stability protection (aka “maintenance of effort”) provisions of the Affordable Care Act as Governor Brewer had requested.  Secretary […]

Just Say No to Arizona’s Waiver Request

Thanks to the more than thirty national organizations that joined CCF in expressing our opposition to Arizona’s request to waive the maintenance of effort provisions that are currently preserving stability in states’ Medicaid programs.  Groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Easter Seals, Families USA, the National Association […]

Florida’s Proposed Medicaid Long-Term Care Changes Raise Host of Questions About Impact

Florida’s 2011 Managed Care Legislation, HB 7107, established “Medicaid Managed Care,” a new statewide managed care program for all covered services. Two separate components are anticipated for the new program: the Florida Long-Term Care Managed Care program, slated for implementation first, and the Florida Managed Medical Assistance program, an expansion of the Medicaid pilot program […]