Medicaid Expansion Helps Kids by Helping Moms Get Care for Maternal Depression
By Joan Alker and Olivia Golden Today, CLASP and the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families (CCF) are releasing a new report on the important but often-overlooked link between adult health care coverage and children’s healthy development – specifically, the connection between health care coverage and identifying and treating maternal depression, so that children…
Medicaid Expansion Promotes Children’s Development and Family Success by Treating Maternal Depression
This paper examines one important reason why access to Medicaid for poor adults is crucial for children’s healthy development. Other research has documented the reasons why Medicaid coverage matters so much for uninsured adults, both parents and non-parents: It reduces the rate of uninsurance, allows them to get treatment for medical and mental health problems, and stabilizes family finances.…
Incentivizing Healthy Behaviors: Kentucky is Latest State to Pursue Despite Evidence it Doesn’t Work
Some ideas just keep popping up despite the near certainty that they won’t work. The recent Medicaid waiver proposal from Governor Bevin of Kentucky emphasizes the use of a rewards account where beneficiaries get points by engaging in healthy behaviors or community engagement activities to help pay for vision and dental care. This idea has…
Medicaid Expansion: Driving Innovation in Behavioral Health Integration
By Jack Hoadley and Adam Searing Safety-net providers in states that have accepted the federal funding available for Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are experiencing a positive ripple effect, where increased insurance coverage rates among patients and thus greater financial security for safety-net institutions are translating into better care. We found that…
Thanks to Improvements Made After Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana is Better-Prepared for a Medicaid Enrollment Boost
By A.J. Custer Starting July 1st, low-income adults in Louisiana will gain health insurance benefits, as the state officially becomes the 31st state to expand Medicaid. Enrollment has already begun and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals predicts an estimated 375,000 people will enroll in Louisiana’s Medicaid program over the next year. The program…
Kentucky’s Proposed Waiver Could Undermine its Successful Medicaid Expansion
By Sean Miskell and Adam Searing Kentucky has released a new Medicaid waiver request for state public comment today. This proposal would allow the state to make significant changes to its existing Medicaid program, affecting not only those newly eligible beneficiaries currently receiving health care through Kentucky’s existing Medicaid expansion, but also others served by…
New Resource from CLASP Highlight Innovations to Address Maternal Depression
Low-income mothers of young children have high rates of untreated depression due in large part to the lack of affordable health coverage and lack of access to mental health care. Untreated maternal depression can be damaging to a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. The ACA offers new routes to finance and systematize maternal depression…
A Missed Opportunity to Learn from Wisconsin’s Health Reform Implementation
By Jon Peacock, Wisconsin Council on Children and Families Wisconsin received a federal waiver to make significant changes to BadgerCare in 2014, and one of the conditions of that “demonstration waiver” was that the state would evaluate the effects of the policy changes. A national health policy expert, Sara Rosenbaum, reviewed the planned evaluation and…
Understanding ACA’s Coverage Gains: Welcome Mat Effect & State Marketplaces Keys to Success
By Molly Frean and Benjamin D. Sommers, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health & Jonathan Gruber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology One of the primary goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was to reduce the number of individuals without health insurance in the United States. Prior to the passage of the legislation, this group…
Taking Stock of the Impact of Post-ACA Health Coverage in Ohio
Amy Rohling McGee, Health Policy Institute of Ohio The uninsured rate for working-age Ohioans has dropped by more than half since 2010, primarily because the state decided to expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act. Prior to Jan. 1, 2014, adults without dependent children were not eligible for Medicaid coverage in Ohio. Parents with incomes…
Texas Put on Notice as Medicaid Waiver Extended by Federal CMS for 15 Months
Earlier this week, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sent a letter to the state of Texas extending the state’s Section 1115 Medicaid waiver for 15 months with level funding through the end of 2017. The state of Texas promptly labelled the agreement a “big win” for Texas – but was it? Texas…
Too Soon to Replicate Indiana’s Medicaid Waiver
By Jesse Cross-Call, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Several states are considering adopting features of the federal waiver through which Indiana has expanded Medicaid — such as setting up accounts modeled on health savings accounts for each beneficiary, delaying coverage until beneficiaries pay premiums tied to their incomes, and ending coverage for some beneficiaries…
Video Highlights of Hearing on “Flint Water Crisis: Impacts and Lessons Learned”
On Wednesday, April 13, Georgetown CCF’s Executive Director Joan Alker testified before the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee on lessons emerging from the Flint water crisis. Here are the highlights of the hearing. Joan Alker explains the vital role of Medicaid in ameliorating harm in times of crisis… and how Medicaid can help meet…
Responding to the Flint Michigan Water Crisis: What is the Role of Medicaid?
Today I had the opportunity to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee on lessons emerging from the Flint water crisis. I wish the hearing hadn’t been necessary but I hope Flint is a wake up call to reexamine our nation’s policy on lead and children’s health. I am concerned not just about…
Testimony for Hearing on “The Flint Water Crisis: Impacts and Lessons Learned”
The following prepared remarks were delivered by Joan Alker on April 13, 2016 before the Subcommittee on Health and Subcommittee on the Environment of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce for the hearing “Flint Water Crisis: Impacts and Lessons Learned.” Her views do not represent those of Georgetown University. My name is Joan Alker, and…
How Cuts to Safety Net Hospitals Impact the Uninsured in a State that Rejected Medicaid Expansion Funding
by Miriam Harmatz, Florida Legal Services Much has been written—from blogs to briefs—documenting the tremendous positive impacts of Medicaid expansion. Less well-documented are the negative impacts that flow from rejecting expansion. Obviously, non-expansion states fail to reap the profound benefits of expansion. But they are not just failing to move forward with the expansion’s huge…
Michigan’s Governor Turns to Medicaid in Flint Crisis
We have often said that one of the very important features of Medicaid’s financing structure is the program’s ability to address emerging short and long-term public health crises. And previous national emergencies such as Hurricane Katrina and 9-11 also resulted in state leaders of all political persuasions looking to Medicaid to help them address critical…
GAO Report Raises Concerns About Waiving Medicaid Transportation Benefits
By Sean Miskell As states debating whether to expand Medicaid (and some that already have) consider changes to their Medicaid programs via 1115 waivers, one proposal that keeps popping up is the elimination of non-emergency medical transportation benefits (NEMT). This week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on state efforts to waive NEMT…
SHADAC Report Echoes Good News on Uninsured Rate for Children
The State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) published its annual report “State Level Trends in Children’s Health Insurance Coverage” and it is an excellent state resource on children’s health coverage rates. Similar to Georgetown’s annual report on children’s health insurance, SHADAC reports on state-by-state coverage rates for children and provides additional data on children’s…
Commonwealth Fund Tool Demonstrates Effects of State Efforts to Expand Coverage and Improve Enrollment
By Sean Miskell Comparing outcomes across states provides an opportunity to consider how state-specific approaches to administering their health programs provide coverage to their residents and help them stay enrolled. Say Ahhh! readers certainly know that we like our 50-state tables here at CCF. The Commonwealth Fund has updated its interactive tool that allows users…