What We’ve Learned: Helping Remaining Uninsured Obtain Health Coverage

By Benjamin Kerman and Annmarie Benedict, The Atlantic Philanthropies It’s been almost three years since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into full effect. During that time, 13 million people gained health insurance coverage. With open enrollment starting tomorrow, communities have another opportunity to extend the ACA’s benefits to the estimated 29 million Americans who […]

Improving Health Equity Through Early Childhood Primary Health Care and Medicaid

It is in the first 1000 days of life that health practitioners actually can have the greatest impact upon a person’s healthy growth and development. The P.A.R.E.N.T.S. Science (Protective factors, Adverse childhood experiences, Resiliency, Epigenetics, Neurobiology, Toxic stress, and Social determinants of health) points to the critical importance of setting a positive health trajectory during […]